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Grafters and Galaxy Nightclub


As a group the Grafters have been in City around 2 months now. We are around in good numbers from morning to night most days. We RP as a organized drug dealing organization mainly focused on Cocaine. We have spent the last couple of months building ourselves up from small street corner dug dealers, paying tax and rp'ing as the little fish.

We have slowly made contacts along the way, built ourselves up from purchasing small amounts of drugs for high prices, to purchasing large amounts for low prices.

We rp'd mainly selling the drugs ourselves to locals at first, to rp'ing as mid level wholesalers to other smaller drug dealers. We have built up a good sized customer base who regularly come to us for their Drugs. We buy in Bulk (20+ Kilos) of Cocaine and do the Rp of important and discreet collections of our weekly re-supply from our 'connect' and arrange our smaller discreet handovers to our customer base throughout the week, hopefully filling the gap from Large importers to smaller, street level dealers and acting as the middle men/mid level gang.

We have tried to do this as discreetly as possible and only wanted gangs involved in the cocaine trade to be aware of us, I believe we have managed this. 

Now we have recently purchased the Galaxy Nightclub and hope to bring some new RP to the city with it. Firstly, monthly 'Rave' Events will be organized and other more secretive events, the place will also be available to hire out as a venue. We hope to provide employment opportunities and to allow as many members of the community who wish to, ways of sharing our journey.


I am suggesting that the area around the Nightclub is turned into a place that drugs can be sold to locals to bring more rp to the area, to bring fresh selling spots to the city and to also make a new gang that small or new crims/gangs can come to do business with regarding purchasing and selling drugs on turf. A new gang for the established gangs to also RP with in whatever way they wish.

We hope to provide quality RP to all the community and hope our presence and growth will help keep the server and crim dynamic fresh by providing a new gang to Rp with.


There are some small 'QOL' touches for the property that I also propose if possible:

1. The access point for the DJ booth is relocated to somewhere behind the Dj decks instead of from the front/dancefloor. That way during Events our hired DJ can RP from behind the decks and add immersion. Even if a laptop needs to be placed on to the small table behind the DJ booth to RP interacting with.

2. The Upstairs bar has a shop to access, just like the front counter before entering the main area of the club, that way during events the customers can RP interacting with the Bartenders and purchase items from the Bar counter.

3. Internal doors have keycode locks on them, we would like these to be lockable doors so the private back area/control room are lockable for meetings or VVip areas. Either a numerical password as their keycode doors or simply locked like other doors.

4. The underground garage area has the ability to store/retrieve cars and either the large roller doors open or you have a prompt to leave the garage.

5. A gang storage/safe is added to the private area at the back and a wardrobe where a clothing rack is already present.
