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Greetings all! My name is Zip and I have just exited from Terminal 1 near Athira, the island is fantastic! The climate is perfect and I can't wait to find a house and settle down for a bit. I can't wait to greet everybody. Any suggestions on where I should buy a house?

Anyway hope to see you all in game. 

Welcome Zip. Btw i love you profile pic :D Make sure to have a check over the rules :D

the part about buying a house, it really depends on what you are gonna use it for :D

Hope to see ya ingame. be sure to pop by the UNMC border.

Welcome to the community @Zip I hope you enjoy your time here at RPUK!! Please read the server rules so you are aware of them. If you have any questions or need any help please come to the join for support rooms in teamspeak and a staff member will be happy to assist. Hope to see you about in game xD


Welcome Zip! Hope you enjoy your stay. As for the housing, I can only advise you to be cautious around Kavala 👉
