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GTA RP - Mosley's Windows - buildings cars and people disappear when looking through them when standing inside.



Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Benjamin Morehead
Steam ID: 76561198082012405
Date: May 23, 2024
Time: 08:50
Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: Mosley's Windows - buildings cars and people disappear when looking through them when standing inside.
Provide a full description of the bug: When inside Mosley's looking out, it looks like you cannot see anything through the north facing windows, Roads, Cars and other buildings seam to vanish.
Link(s) To Any Screenshots/Footage Of The Bug: https://i.gyazo.com/f33fa01c310787c76b8b893bec5ef1bd.jpg
Excellent news! This has now been fixed by the development team and will be released in a future server update.
Thanks for doing your bit to help us keep the servers bug free!
