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Guerrilla News Agency [GNA] Photo Masterclass


Well-known member

Dear ALUKians

Many people have donated to our News Agency since our first day, we try to stick 100% to our Journalist work, but funding it is too timetaking, causing us to fail to provide the intense footage of Altis you all love.

Here at GNA we have come up with an idea to fund our work.
We are inviting anyone who donates +1mil to the agency to a Photographic Masterclass!

Links to our work:

The MasterClass will consist of:
- Software Choices: What software do I use, and free alternatives.
- In-game Photography
- In-game Night Photography
- Photoshop editing: Focused on editing in-game captures
- Photography & Storytelling: How to tell decent stories with a bunch of screenshots

Some parts of the class will be roleplayed, and some others won't. Every non-roleplayed part of the class will be thru Teamspeak (mandatory)

Make me know if you are interested by replying to this topic. If a whole gang wants to take the class, we can make a special offer for you. Just get in touch with me!

Please note: We are not offering a service, this is a free gift from the GNU to its most dedicated donators. With this contribution you are funding quality journalism in ALUK. Classes will be held when we reach 5 participants.


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5 mill if you follow me for a day and make me look epic

(and share it with the whole world)

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yes as long as they sign a disclaimer they put themselves at risk any losses is on themself
