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Guide to Voting (and free resources)


The Help
Voting for our Rust server is a really cool thing to do because it increases the chance that someone new spots our happy little hole and comes to join in on the fun. As a thank you for helping spread the word, 5000 wood and 5000 stone will be added to your inventory per vote.

How do you do this? Easy:

1. Vote at these links: (you will need to own a copy of Rust and sign in through steam. Having your privacy to public will make this process easier.)


http://toprustservers.com/vote/18964 - requires steam to be in public mode to verify identify.

2. Go ingame and type /vote and the system will both check to see if you've voted, and give you the links at which you can vote at. 

NOTE: You must do this step after voting in the day you've voted otherwise you won't be able to claim it.

3. Type /rewards to get info on rewards as well as your points. An ID will be listed, use that in the next step.

4. When you wish to claim your reward, type /rewards [ID] and the resources should appear in your inventory.

5. Rinse and repeat once a day.

While you're here, don't forget to join the RustLife steam group:


lots of love and rockets


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play osu - get rsi - repeat
I'll teach you this weekend! :p but it's cool you voted anyhow.

we're very nearly on the top ten! Keep it up, vote every morning and we'll be on the top of these two websites 


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