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H.Jones - Unban Request (TC Blanket)

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Your In-game name:

[TC] H.Jones  (was) H.Jones 

Your Steam Profile ID:


Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter):


Date & Time you was banned:

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Not to sure on time was banned 

Please copy and paste the rule you broke:

Combat logging 

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:

Hi there obviously i can't show evidence of it but during the time i was with the police officer i was in full role play as shown in the video i can see it is seen as  combat logging as my player left the screen. but in my house i have an power meter that you have to top up. the power was running low that made me D.C. i have never combat logged on anything not even when shot at (in combat) i am very sorry to have cause trouble with you guys and other players i did go back to pd and say my power went out put im not to sure of the officers name i said it to. and when i asked him to carry on the role pay with me he said it on the radio asking if anyone was paying me a ticket when i D.C'ed and they all said no meaning the officer left.

very sorry for the problems i have caused you and i wish to have this resolved as soon as.

Thank you


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in the video you can see i die when i DC and you diaper when you DC not die.

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if i really have to show evidence of a power cut all i can do i go to my gas man and ask him when the last top up was which will say the data of top up. but the papers will have personal details on it so its not safe to do... 

i'm very sorry guys i would never mean to CL and if i didn't have the money to pay the fine i wouldn't mind going to the jail for 10 mins.

i know how annoying it is for someone to CL on you so i would be happy to comp the officer if i was to get unbanned.

i know i'm probably going to have to wait longer now that i have commented on this but i'm just trying to say that it would never be done again.


Why did you use that specific name that you gave the officer?

I have used lost of Mexican/Spanish names like Pablo I just fit them in to my role play as they don't know who I am well not ment to... and you just wing it and if they follow the role play like it has been done before they let you go

I have been on here on and off for a while I first started when I got arma around Xmas time well after

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You are also part of TC who are currently blanket banned as part of an investigation.

Please open another appeal if any of your TC friends hear anything.

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