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Hacker came online

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Well-known member
The Netherlands
In-game name: 

[TI] Peppie

Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile):


Date/Time of incident (ignore if linked to player report):

12-7-2015 between 11 o´clock and 11.30

Which server:
What was lost:

22 gold bars and some clothing but that doesn´t matter

Value of item/money lost ( Provide the grand total):

arround 2.2 million

Quick description of what happened:

I got some gold out of the HM the cops didn´t closed the vault so i took some gold  i was already waiting in kavala to sell i waqs waiting for EXP to leave and then the Hacker blew up evrything and then i lost the gold bars

Please post video evidence/screenshots here:

http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198080034519/screenshot/449582153306854751 i only got the screenshot of my inventory because i was too late to take a screenshot of my truck inventory

(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, that you had that money or items)
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