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Happy Christmas - Wish I coulda been here.

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This is Quinn by the way.

This time last year I was on Teamspeak with some very drunk people having a laugh, I think I threw a Police patrol in here and there and in the morning last year I spent an hour or two patrolling the server by myself and enjoying the Christmas spirit. I enjoyed it very much and although it is entirely my doing, It saddens me I didn't get to do it again this year and spend quality time with you people.

Either way, I hope there will be many occasions I will be able to share with the Community in the future, we will wait and see.

Hope all of you people have a very Happy and Merry (for 18 and above) Christmas and enjoy it all!

Right, I may be an idiot but I'm not quite sure what you're implying?

That is the Teamspeak of the Server I currently play on, yes. That is a channel I was in, yes. Those are people I talk to, yes.

Would you like to ask me a question or clarify your statement please? Then I can give a more detailed answer to your question/statement.
No need to clarify anything. 

No need to clarify anything. 
Alright, this post was about me spending Christmas here last year and how much I would have liked to spend it with the same people again, some of the UNMC lads I haven't spoken to since the ban etc... I don't know what you're getting at by posting a picture of that Teamspeak, that is why I wondered if you had something to clarify.

Really this topic should be hidden as when you are 1.6 banned you have no right to post on the website, This account is currently only open because you are undergoing an appeal with the community manager.

Vladic receives alot of un-needed bollocks on his stream from these immature young adults, while your on here appealing your ban you are in a room with the people who clearly have an obsession over him... so much so the name of the channel.

We get told things about people all the time... whos doing this whos doing that and we just ignore it because we have better things to be doing with our life's than listening to who's whacking one off about what my head is put on this week or whatever bullshit is being typed in a stream.

Do you think we want that sort of person here ? I do not have any say in un-bans anymore but I have a feeling your un-ban appeal is going to go too well and I just think it might be time to move on and continue with what your doing now.

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@Wilco understood I guess. I am just wondering, did you mean to say "I have a feeling your un-ban appeal is NOT going to go too well.." - because right now I don't see how my appeal could go too well and that is what I am hoping.

Understood about posting, I was just trying to talk with people again I guess.

Those people, whether you believe they are immature young adults or not, they are people I talk to and consider friends, what I talk about with them is nothing to do with RPUK so I don't know why the screenshot was posted.

The stream being a channel name also has nothing to do with me and has no influence on whether I will join a channel or not.

You were a good mate quinn when we in the police together so long ago (may 2015 ish). Shame that you are still community banned on here and hopefully your appeal goes well. If not atleast your an established member on the other server so you will be fine. No matter what the outcome of your appeal.

@Wilco - I have known quinn for a long time , he isnt the type of person to do that. He is just playing with the people because he gets on with them and is most probably playing rebel life with them atm.

In the end i hope you guys dont deniy his appeal due to people he is friends with (which he rarely plays with tbh). Be bit sad to deniy a person who has been here for so long just because he is in a channel with some "imature young adults"

- Hoggie

Quinn.. If that's the type of company you enjoy keeping and call friends then this community is not for you, its that simple..

We are very proud to be an adult community we wouldn't dream about letting our members troll people's streams while in our teamspeak or keep signing up posting shit on other community's in fact where we have found that out we have banned people for that before! and before you go sharing this post that's not a stab towards how others run there shop I am just pointing out we don't allow that here.

I have feelings about appeals... and I am usually right on how they turn out, FFG acts independently but does watch Vladic's stream and sees the boring bullshit that takes place, Hes on board with our mature adult community stance and looking at your appeal he will draw a negative conclusion of you... but we will see. 

@Hoggie with all due respect... I took time out of my day the other night to type to you one on one while at the same time you was telling your friend pricey your never playing here again, Really I should of issued a ban for mentioning another community's name in that PM that triggered our antispam filters so anything you say i will take with a pinch of salt.

I am going to lock this post now as someone who has a 1.6 to there name should not be posting in the general forums until there appeal has been approved, I wish you good luck with it.

Merry Christmas.

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