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HappyKnife leaving

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Cameron W

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
I have to leave due to real life commitments. its has been great fun while it has lasted and i feel like i have achieved a lot for the short time me being here.

I wish everyone all the best and hope they continue to have fun on the server.


Good luck with your real life commitments and hope the future is good for you :)

Wish you look with whatever it is you are doing, hope to see you again soon <3

Happy I wish you the best of luck and I hope to see you soon :) 

Will miss our fun runs <3

Good luck HappyKnife, the times we patrolled together were great! Best of luck for the future mate!

Dont leave me happyKnife :D I hope you get back some day and play with me and when you come back, come back to the police.

Well Best of luck man :D 

It was fun being a rebel and a officer with you.

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Good luck with everything in the future man and I wish you a happylife, we didn't spend alot of time together but you were a cool dude, take care.

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