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Has the server just gone down?

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Possibly another DDoS or something. Not too sure at the moment. I'm sure an admin will clarify what has happened as soon as they find out.

Battleye kick & connection failed, I presume it did....was rite now online

Some one is having a boring weekend, so he decided to ruin it for others tho.. starting to feel bad for him..

i was playing an arma 2 oa server yesterday and it happened, will we get compensation, as the on other servers we have had before, and im quite new to this server

i think it has, i hope it has i was battleye kicked and my tempest device was still mining them precious peaches just out of kavala, don't want any of these pesky hobos using it

Removed some filters on the firewall and it looks like the ddos it was filtering and has been for 30 plus hours is still going on, Filters have been reapplied and ddos will shortly not be effecting the server again.

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