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Helli VDM (Rejected - Comp agreed)

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Well-known member
Chunky said:
I have received a full comp from these guys and believe the pilot was just a bit shit, I feel they should be given the benefit of the doubt.

Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Marcus
Time & Date this happened: 17/12/14 - 01:36
Description of what happened: (Before I start the story I just want to state there was 3 Helicopters hovering over us at processing about 15 minutes before this, all together driving in formation so they obviously knew each other.) We was selling our Drugs at the UNMC drug seller and I was the escort in the Ifrit, as I was doing circles around I saw a Hellcat down so I went over to investigate and it was un manned, I pick locked it and repaired it, when I was about to take off the heli that was hovering over me did this to stop me from taking it.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Nope.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)

Chunky said:
I have received a full comp from these guys and believe the pilot was just a bit shit, I feel they should be given the benefit of the doubt.
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I was with Marcus playing, he did not attempt to VDM it was an accident we were trying to land quickly to try and stop you from talking my Hellcat.

We can reimburse what you lost, Sorry.

Hello Chunky,

Just a heads up, I was not trying to kill you. I was trying to bleed my height so I could land. I lost control and was trying pull up (hence the fact the chopper was facing slightly upwards).

Anyway, I am sorry about that but please tell me what you lost and I will reimburse you appropriately. I would've been happy to talk to you about this in game, had you attempted, rather than you sending me the ban threat that you did.

I was with Marcus playing, he did not attempt to VDM it was an accident we were trying to land quickly to try and stop you from talking my Hellcat.

We can reimburse what you lost, Sorry.
I am happy to take the reimburse which is around 280k, My other member has external footage of him pretty much dive bombing me. As you can see in this? Im not sure how you can deny this.

Hello Chunky,

Just a heads up, I was not trying to kill you. I was trying to bleed my height so I could land. I lost control and was trying pull up (hence the fact the chopper was facing slightly upwards).

Anyway, I am sorry about that but please tell me what you lost and I will reimburse you appropriately. I would've been happy to talk to you about this in game, had you attempted, rather than you sending me the ban threat that you did.

Ban Threat? I sent no such thing. I can't contact you over mobile regarding this as that would be out of RP. I lost about 280k.

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I am happy to take the reimburse which is around 280k, My other member has external footage of him pretty much dive bombing me. As you can see in this? Im not sure how you can deny this.
That is fine message me on side and i will meet you.

Because the time was taken to comp i will not issue a ban, however this is noted should another vdm report get posted.

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