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Hello everyone


Well-known member
Hello im here for the festive season and am new to the island it wasnt easy life back in London i used to bake cakes for a living and am most certainly not a cereal killer at all and i will defiantly not participate in any crimes because im here to spread the festive corpses i mean spirit around Altis  now if you hear anything of my life in London i will ensure u again that i am  most certainly not a cereal killer and am a simple baker here to enjoy the festive holidays and may evan settle day and buy a home the people of this island seem very nice however the gun laws are scary and make my job harder as a baker of cource the high crime rates arnt  helping my businesses either and i may have to go into anoher trade such as copper  or maybe something a bit more extreme who knows where my journey will lead me and i hope to meet new people on the island and well i guess this is all for my hello

