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Hello I joined this server about 1 year ago but did not play much! But know I have been back the first thing I did when I cam back was joining the Police. I started as a CSO and It was the best funny moment there, all the rp and talking. Then a pcso and now Iam a PC! 

My rolplaystory

Well my name is Didar, I am a boy in a family of three my mom, dad and me. My Dad is a alcoholic and is currently on rehab in sofia. My mom is a women who dos`nt like kids especilly not me. My mom kicked me out of the house when I was 9 years old and from that point I have always liven as a hobo in street of kavala and went throgh some hard life. Sometimes I did not have food, people kicked med spit at me and even abused me of doing stuff who was not me. I was that weak guy who everybody could put the foult on. But now I am 16 I want to be a cop that helps children on the street from startving and being abused by their moms and dad. I want to stop the abuse in kavala! 

Here is a bit about me

I am a boy named Didar and I am from norway I currently live in a city named Sandefjord. I am 16 and plays fotball and games on my sparetime. 

Didar out! 

Bit of a late post 😂 But have a good time and hope to patrol with you more often!

I understand.

Thanks for Roleplaying it properly tho. Most times I do stuff like that the Police try to be heros...
