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Hemo Safezone Robbing


Well-known member
In-game name: Viper

Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile): 76561198066584526
What was lost: Only #800 pound but besides ppoint.
Value of item/money lost:

Quick description of what happened: Trying to park car in garage and Hemo keeps knocking me out about 3 times in kavala.

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Dont believe this isnt against the rules although this isnt my say as im not an admin

Either way I have been RDMed in a safezone by this guy twice, also combat log when restrained 3 times, no proof of this but just a little side note.

Its not against the rules to knock people out/rob in the west but I understand that this could be annoying. Next time try storing it in the garage by driving close to the npc and selecting 'store vehicle in garage' from inside your vehicle. Use the alt key head/camera movement to look at the npc and mouse scroll to select the option. This way you cant be knocked out.

P.s you can also do this with the market and other stores, meaning you can buy things from inside vehicles.

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Without roleplaying its against server rules though.

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There does need to be some roleplay even if its just like, give us your cash! smack... rob
