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holding someone up at an ATM


New member
hi, I have a quick question I have been watching a lot of roleplay content to better my own roleplay for others, and was wondering if a player see me  at an ATM could i be forced to empty my bank account? or say I was taken hostage at gun point, be robbed of all my items could the robbers then take me to an ATM and force me to empty my bank ?  

any  help would be appreciated 

No, for your to withdraw all your money or get someone to withdraw all their money would be considered "powergaming" but in my honest opinion, most people will "ruleplay" over roleplay in situations like that, so if it happens to me, i will tend to withdraw maybe 5k and throw it on the ground and say "thats all i got" to go along with the roleplay, but no, you cant force all the money out of their accounts and you don't have to do it either

Thank you for your answer tbh I'm always nervous when stood at a ATM so good to know that this is not allowed.
