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House 171 Nikola Place

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Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Mission Row / LSFS / Bolingbroke
I have just purchased  house 171 in Nikola Place but the park location is just in front of the garage but there is also a small roofed building going over the driveway and I’ve found 2 issues 1 I can’t park a truck there as it wont fit under the roof and when I called for my van to be delivered by a mechanic they couldn’t park it because of that roof. Is there anyway the devs could move the park location to the front of the drive way? Thanks 

Added as #452 to the board.


Thank you for your help in alerting us to this bug, now that all of the required information has been gathered, it's been logged with the development team who will look to fix this. ​


Thread locked, awaiting development team response
Excellent news! This has now been fixed by the development team and will be released in a future server update.
Thanks for doing your bit to help us keep the servers bug free!​


Locked & Moved to Solved
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