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house near the drug dealer and kavala


The land of big Memes

340m from the house to the drug dealer

The buildning can hold up to 2000 resources and 200 in items.

there is also the option to buy the garage right behind the house that also work as a spawn point.

there is an ATM 10m from the house there is also a fotball feild where its perfect to land helicopters, if u have been doing some drugs and storing them in ur helicopter,just land on the feild walk 5m and store it at ur new house then later when  u feel like selling it its only 340m away and when u sold it just go to the ATM thats right next to ur house and store the money.

price only house starting bid: 3,2M

if you just wanna buy the house with out biding its 8,2M

the garage starting bid is: 600K

wanna buy it with out biding: 1M

wanna buy it all togheter they price is 9,2M

if the biding goes over the price where you buy it straight away then there is only biding.
