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House of Lord SanDisk

Lord SanDisk

Well-known member
Boston - UK
Welcome ladies and genitals to the House of Lord SanDisk!​
A once broken assortment of men, bounded by fate to reclaim the land of Altis! ​
Lord SanDisk​
'A Lord, A Scholar, A gentleman'  ​
'Abandoned at birth for being too regal, Lord SanDisk spent most of his days frolicking in the woods in search for his true destiny, on one summers day he found a losing scratchcard with details on his family tree when he was shocked to learn the truth that he is not a bastard! and that he is indeed the heir of the throne in the abandoned castle in Kavala and to Altis. Lord SanDisks dream is to reclaim his rightful place and carry on past dictatorships, this includes dragging your arse on the floor when greeting the almighty Lord SanDisk'
The Reverend​
"Is it just me, or are the kids getting fitter these days?"
'The Reverend bestowed friendship in Lord SanDisk after he stole a sock and began singing 'Eye of the tiger' A shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist. A middleman loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law'
"I got this"
'Exactly what it says on the tin, Not that friendly, probably not an actual guy, Bi Polar, I hate you cunts, Lets hug! you will find him along side The Reverend and Lord SanDisk as a means of last resort, this means occasionally sending him off to get food and shit'
"Officer, he stole my dog"​
'Raised by Lord SanDisk as a faithful pet/servant/sex toy, Dogs has learnt only to speak when spoken too and to always serve the lord as when he requires things like ... "Lunch" etc. He was found in the outback of the Himalayas abandoned in anarchy where "The Reverend" took advantage ... Ahem ... Took him in ... Looked after him until the Lord was ready for such a faithful companion, always proud to serve The House of Lord SanDisk, Dogs is never far away from his side and is always ready to die for his Lord and savior!'
My full name is Douglas Yancey Funnie. I live my family, which consists of my parents Theda and Phil, sister Judy, and my dog Porkchop, I moved from the town of Bloatsburg to Bluffington after my dad receives a job promotion (as a genital reconstruction surgeon). I may often come across anxious, and at times gullible but i have a strong imagination. I also do like a good bash on my banjo!... in my spare time. You may often find me daydreaming and fantasizing! sometimes imagining myself as several alter egos, particularly a superhero named Quailman, A spy Smash Adams, and and an archaeologist Race Canyon. know relocated once again to Altis were I serve Lord sandisk with his other disciples.​
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Wow. Thanks for that bio. 

Not all Holy men are paedophiles, you know...

"Gentleman", is that before or after you connect and mouth-off in side chat for half an hour?

THe lord just tried to make my friend kneel and when he refused he shot him, mate you just made some bloody enemies.

Everyone shall be bound to the house of Lord SanDisk, My regals acted out the role of Lord SanDisk! We do not want any enemies, but if you dare to defy me, you shall come out a fish!

All hail Lord SanDisk!

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I had no gun and my mic was playing up I could barely communicate with either you, plus you called me by my name without asking me it first you need to learn about rp, What you did amounts to RDM plain and simple.

oh please...report us if you have a problem. We record everything. We RP'd throughout and you were talking just fine. Please don't spoil the fun and the experience by complaining... We RP as a group of nutcases with a disillusional leader...it's how we roll, embrace it and have fun.

All hail Lord sandisk! and the price is way beyond his bed time hour. this life is for adults not for silly little boys who think its funny to rdm but not be killed in return, off with your head! silly scretin. one does recoerd full evenings of your babbeling . 

oh please...report us if you have a problem. We record everything. We RP'd throughout and you were talking just fine. Please don't spoil the fun and the experience by complaining... We RP as a group of nutcases with a disillusional leader...it's how we roll, embrace it and have fun.
If I wanted to report you I'd have done it already, and my mic wasn't working fine I had issue between TS and the arma coms, see you in the field!!!!!

I love the attempt to form a structured arguement dogs, its pretty funny how you seem try to make me feel inferior just because I'm 15. Mate if you really want to hurt me come up with another idea for an insult, I would die of shock. Just another thing you sound a little bit like golum, with your misspelled words and "the price" is quite close to "the precious". You lads talk a big game but your crack heed leader wouldn't even have a 1v1 instead he brought the whole med head crew. You seem to take the piss out of me as I'm younger, if I am younger it doesn't take a genius to work out your older. If so act your age man.

Speaking on behalf of The Altis Salt Rats we fully supported the re crowning of Lord Sandisk to his rightful throne. But after recent encounters of him and his followers we have found him to be crazy as bat shit and believe he should be removed by force from the island and exiled with extreme prejudice :)
