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How I Got Here


The Flexer
Lifetime Donator
I dont know the date , not the time .. all i could hear is the voice of the waves washing to the shore and back to the sea. I dont know where I am but I can still remember the screaming of my comrades while they are getting shot .. It all begun in January , 24 , 2014 I was at my home with my family we were sitting at the backyard singing , playing and having fun until the Stratis army force came to the front door. They took me to the side and told me something I could never forget ... after that day I was sent to a military camp where they trained me and other young men and prepare us for the worst.Every weekend we were allowed to visit our home , our family but in March 14 2014, Six AM I could hear the alarm I saw everyone jumping of their beds preparing to go and fight for the sake of their country. I had to run to the Medics room and take my medic supply since i was one of the medics in our unit .. Stratis Marine Unit (SMU) we were on a ship defending the southern coast from the enemy there were too many and we were fleeing back into stratis and we were picked up by a heli. In this heli we were 4 troops from my unit including me and the Stratis Air Force (SAF) 2 of them... after we got picked up by them we were flying east until their ground troops hit us with a rocket with a STING thats where we fell down to the see and I got knocked out. after that I woke up in the western coast of Altis .. after I woke up I went to a city not sure about the name thats where I started my new life after getting back up on my feet and after i officially become a citizen of Altis I went up to apply for NHS since I was a trained medic in my unit and now I am a medic in NHS  helping people in Altis and living a happy life with my friend  I met in Kavala.

Thats how I got to the Island. and thats what im doing here.

Thanks Charlie 
