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How to get licence ?


Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
I saw a guy with kevlar , and good military sruff , including clothes , and guns . He told me, for that i will need rebel licence , how to get it , and where  ? 

500k rebel outpost @IzetNanic then once purchased you can buy weapons from either rebel outpost or black market. That is all that is required. Once you have that you can then also get advanced rebel (10 million) to buy some More powerful/extra weapons

dont forget if you pass poseidon border, to get a pass or they will be mad. 
Also their is a cashpoint at rebel outpost. so you DONT NEED to take the cash with you. 
if you get in the building go upstairs. and there is a sign scroll on that sign and it will say cashpoint. then take the money out and get the license. 
