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How to play Epoch Mod?

Hey guys,

Everytime i try to join a Epoch server it disconnects me. I don't know why. I have downloaded the file you guys put on the Forum.

Can anyone help me ? Arma3 Newbie here. :unsure:

Thanks alot!

Put the @Epoch folder into your arma 3 directory

Goto steam and launch arma, when the option comes up select the launcher

Then in parameters unselect everything but the top one (mods) then type in the box @Epoch then press play

you will then have the mod active and able to join Epoch servers only.

Thanks!  Any noob tips ? :p   Where to find a car?  Also, loot cannot be found randomly on the ground?
Cars are random,loot can be found in buildings in furniture and outside you can find it in trash piles or crates.

If you search in trash alot though you will have a filth factor and it will attract sappers which are medically experimented on armless people who've gone insane with surgically implanted C4 in their chests looking for a hug they will never receive,so they explode when they get near you. Additionally beware the night as empty robotic death robes that behave like slenderman might find you and cause you to shit out your heart.

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hahah wauw okey :p Uuh, how do i "use" in this mod? becouse my standard use button dosn't seem to work.. and pressing "T" on trash dosn't work neither.. :(

Cars are random,loot can be found in buildings in furniture and outside you can find it in trash piles or crates.

If you search in trash alot though you will have a filth factor and it will attract sappers which are medically experimented on armless people who've gone insane with surgically implanted C4 in their chests looking for a hug they will never receive,so they explode when they get near you. Additionally beware the night as empty robotic death robes that behave like slenderman might find you and cause you to shit out your heart.
He's right. them night ghosts be spooky :c rip heart

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hm, just found a Truck but its spwned inside of a little wall and i can't move it.. theres no way i can "unbug" the car i guess ? :(


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I'm loving this mod.

Couple of issues though:

- Couldn't trade anything in the NPC trader. My night vision was 35 kryptos and a RGO grenade was 17. I clicked Trade and nothing happened.

- How can we set up something to be able to save gear? A base? but how to store things?

- Getting water or things to drink is very difficult. I know we should get jars and fill them in those blue buckets but the jars are difficult to find.

Other than that, it's great.

EDIT: I found out that sometimes the traders are bugged.

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It took me 3 hours to find a vehicle yesterday i ran from Pyrgos to Paros to Athira then to the Airport, then i died and found a truck by Chalkeia. When in my truck we found 2 SUVs, 3 hatchbacks, a Tempest, offroad, a hellcat and Taru. 

I'm loving this mod.

Couple of issues though:

- Couldn't trade anything in the NPC trader. My night vision was 35 kryptos and a RGO grenade was 17. I clicked Trade and nothing happened.

- How can we set up something to be able to save gear? A base? but how to store things?

- Getting water or things to drink is very difficult. I know we should get jars and fill them in those blue buckets but the jars are difficult to find.

Other than that, it's great.

EDIT: I found out that sometimes the traders are bugged.
- Traders and sometimes cars will not respond - Get a team mate to try and it usually works. Annoyingly.

- The easiest thing to save gear in is a tee pee. You need four scrap pelts (Animals and armless zeds) and some wood planks. 

- Keep checking rubbish - some of the best gear is in rubbish piles. :) 

can someone please post an IP so I can join, there are only 6 or 7 servers with pings in upwards of 400 and more.
Scroll up to the top of the page, mate. It's under the Altis banner along with both Altis servers and the TS ip's. 

Hey guys i have been playing for some time now and i was wondering what is Ferris and poppy for?
No one knows really. I looked into this and the theory is that the ferris wheel is a placeholder for something more sinister - Like a carnival with killer clowns (maybe) - This mod is still very much Alpha but it's still awesome. 
