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[HU] Nail McGrub/Garlic91 - Unban appeal (Denied)

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Well-known member
Your In-game name: [HU] Nail McGrub/Garlic91

Your Steam Profile ID: Garlic91

Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter): 19e5ab39b3ffba4d38591807a26a6d4f

Date & Time you was banned: 23/1/15

Please copy and paste the rule you broke: Rule 10: Advertising

5A) Advertising other Altis Life servers/community's is a bannable offensive on our server/website/ts with no ban appeal.
5B) Advertising any products / websites is bannable
5C) Advertising any other teamspeak than TS.ALTISLIFE.CO.UK on our teamspeak/website/server is bannable.
Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:

I don't think it should be a final chance, more a rescinding of the ban as an unnecessary one. I copied and pasted the wrong address when trying to get a new member of our in-game gang into our channel, I mistakenly pasted the wrong address three times to group chat and was banned. The address which was pasted is the one we use for CS:GO, at times we need to use it when ts.altislife.co.uk is full with people either away or with their mics muted.
I am British so I have used the British variant for a definition, but I stand firm in the fact I was not advertising according to the link below. I was not even drawing attention to what I had typed in group chat, which nobody else can see, in fact you could even go as far to say it was not publicised. 

Moreover, if I was trying to detract from the community why would I be appealing the ban? 

Rules are rules. You were fortunate enough to get an unban last time for a final chance. We are very clear about our advertising rules and this would be your third unban.


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