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Hugo & Ahlenius (Action: Bans Issued 29/10/2014)

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(Un)Retired Memester
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Hugo & Ahlenius
Time & Date this happened: 6:00PM 28th October 2014
Description of what happened: We were responding to a call about two armed men on the bend near Agios Dyonisis. When we got there we found no one but after circling the area we found a Hatchback stopped in the middle of the road, we drove past it and then stopped further out to which we found Ahlenius and Hugo, I was instantly shot at and I tazed and restrained Ahlenius, when checking the area out for Hugo when we believed he had ran away we put Ahlenius in the vehicle and began to move away to which Hugo attempted to shoot at me with no roleplay whatsoever, I managed to taze him and restrain him and then I threw him in the vehicle. Further along the road they both combat logged and then reconnected.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: No
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)

8e0347bd6e9d18afc310627fd2140102 -1 Ahlenius - Forum Report 29/10/2014
c6895bee6d4b0e5bcc86487f77424a18 -1 Hugo - Forum Report 29/10/2014
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