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I don't understand

E.A. Leevi

Well-known member
Super man punching Wash
Can someone please clarify for me what the relationship between the police and UNMC is? Thanks.

There meant to be like against each other, the UNMC is supposed to be fighting for the people, against the police to free Altis from the corrupt government as of late they have been as corrupt as the government, robbing rebels who they have neutral stance with, fighting against the people to suppress the people, its creating this massive issue for many many people and i can see why, everything the UNMC have ever stood for that have posted as there mission statement, is all lies.

I remember a checkpoint invasion, the police attacking the UNMC, they asked us (PLF) for help, and we answered upon arrival there was only 5 UNMC on, they where heavily outnumbered, i received a message from Commander Maratek asking for a truce with PLF and the police, to wipe the UNMC out for good, the offer was 1 million to every PLF there and all our bountys removed, What did PLF do? we declined as our alliance to our at the time allys was more important, our mission statement was more important.

So in short its meant to be UNMC fighting to free the people of Altis by fighting the government, which there not, there forming this massive wave of guns of combined UNMC and police, the very thing Wilco feared with PLF having so many numbers and allys, we were to dominant.
