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I dub thee - The Knob-Bandits!


While selling some drugs yesterday my game crashed and I had to return with lockpicks to finnish the run. Well I grew suspicious of a hatchback driving around so I decide to hurry up and get out of there, but as I drive out shit hits the fan!


They decide to try and rob me standing to gain a possible 500k, but in doing so lost gear valued close to twice that amount.

Have any record of robbers failing? please share them so we can ridicule them together in hopes they might learn this moronic behavior is not only low, but that it doesn't pay!

Two favourite stories for me was while running 1.1mil of coke I started getting chased by a hatchback. I decided to pull into a service station where I had a friend waiting with a Zafir, the moment the person stepped out of the car I started reversing so he would chase me on foot when I had a friend destroy him. Wasn't expecting that!

Another time I was on patrol and received a report of someone robbing in Pyrgos. I attended, saw a vehicle and gave chase. 3 minutes down the line 3 Syndicate members get out, take cover and start shooting me. Got his a few times and took cover behind my car and called for backup. When waiting they tried to push up, saw one flank left, on flank middle and one flank right. I took the one on the left with a face shot, same to the middle guy, the last fella on the right decided not to show his face. A medic came, revived them, I restrained them and put them in my car. Just as I was about to make off the last guy shot at us, I jumped out, used my bonnet as cover and took him out as well.

Still didn't get any back up.

Two favourite stories for me was while running 1.1mil of coke I started getting chased by a hatchback. I decided to pull into a service station where I had a friend waiting with a Zafir, the moment the person stepped out of the car I started reversing so he would chase me on foot when I had a friend destroy him. Wasn't expecting that!

Another time I was on patrol and received a report of someone robbing in Pyrgos. I attended, saw a vehicle and gave chase. 3 minutes down the line 3 Syndicate members get out, take cover and start shooting me. Got his a few times and took cover behind my car and called for backup. When waiting they tried to push up, saw one flank left, on flank middle and one flank right. I took the one on the left with a face shot, same to the middle guy, the last fella on the right decided not to show his face. A medic came, revived them, I restrained them and put them in my car. Just as I was about to make off the last guy shot at us, I jumped out, used my bonnet as cover and took him out as well.

Still didn't get any back up.
I request to see the footage of that lol

I request to see the footage of that lol
I did attempt too and was looking forward to uploading it, when I checked my replay device (AMD Gaming Evolved or Raptr) it only decided to record the two guys in my car and me killing the last one so I scrapped it.

Was a good bit of fun tbh, had a laugh with them on the ride back to Athira as well.
