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I gave my friend my money and they dissapeared

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That happens often. To avoid this, send always 1 dollar first.

I can't be in-game right now, but i dont mind compensating you for that lost, send me a message later on.

If someone refund you before that i hope you leave here a message saying so.

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i feel as if i have seen this image elsewhere, this post is now under observation of myself, something seems a little fishy.

i am passing this onto Ed as i really feel as if this image has come up on the forums before, i could be wrong as i am very tired whilst doing this.

in the case i am wrong i do say sorry

i gave him the cash, so no furthere comp is needed, but if he's trying to get some easy cash, shame on him  :p

Wait, i didnot post that pic i was looking at it in another post, i must have pasted it wrong i need to get used to my tabled:( how do i edit my post? I dont want to get banned cuz my tabled is bad.

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