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I...I.....I Suck


Well-known member
Staffordshire, England

I'm fairly new to the server but play it every single day! 

Heres why i suck.

I do Iron and copper runs.

I sell the iron and copper and then get robbed on the way to the cash point. EVERY SINGLE FUCKING FUCKING SHITTING TIME. Then i was on the way to get a gun from the gun store. Robbed there. I've officially lost well over 2 million and only have 30k to show for my hard work.



Many Thanks, 

Luke. The shittest person ever.

If necessary see if you can acquire a police escort. Some officers will be happy to help out the average citizen trying to make a legal living.

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If necessary see if you can acquire a police escort. Some officers will be happy to help out the average citizen try and make a legal living.

I was going to say that, but are we allowed to do it? 

wouldn't like make us a escort company? lol weird how it sounds... 

what if everyone on legal trades started asking for police escort? omfg

still if a police can have a firearm license while off duty and can shoot it in self defense i would be glad to help you out!

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Thanks for your support guys, im taking a break at the moment because the rage is to hard.

I was gonna donate today, i probably still will. But i need to find some way of being secure, i will hire people to help.

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I was going to say that, but are we allowed to do it? 

wouldn't like make us a escort company? lol weird how it sounds... 

what if everyone on legal trades started asking for police escort? omfg

still if a police can have a firearm license while off duty and can shoot it in self defense i would be glad to help you out!
Of course we are allowed to escort civilians doing legal things, protecting civilians is our purpose!

Police should do it for free. RP it out like the way its actually happened. You are down to your last 30k and whatnot.

Then do oile or Diamond not that many robbers or salt longe time since i had A report from that

I was going to say that, but are we allowed to do it? 

wouldn't like make us a escort company? lol weird how it sounds... 

what if everyone on legal trades started asking for police escort? omfg

still if a police can have a firearm license while off duty and can shoot it in self defense i would be glad to help you out!
Of course we're allowed. If you aren't busy why not help out a civ earning a living? Keeping civillians safe is our duty after all.

Id only need an escort from the Trader to the cashpoint, that's the most dangerous route. I usually get robbed while assessing the cashpoint

Many gangs will offer you protection, PLF has a 100% success rate and as long as you pay us for our work, you have a guarantee that we won't rob you :)

Other companies like AEGIS do it more often than us.

I think im gonna get on when little people are on and earn money then. If a lot of people are on ill ask for an escort from the Police. This means i wont have to carry an assault rifle anymore!

EDIT: What are your prices? (If you know them. From Iron Processing to Selling then depositing)

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Depends on the cargo, risk & truck involved.

If you're doing say a HEMTT full of Iron at peak time, we'd ask between £80,000 to £100,000.

If u do go solo to cash point just use your vehicle to the back of the bank and run straight to the cash machine. They won't have time to rob u then. Good luck.
