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I was banned for combat logging (Denied)

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Well-known member
Passed out under a Hemit Box in Kavala
Your In-game name: Jack Kinch

Your Steam Profile ID:205ec3aea8def030c11f9864949729e0

Date & Time you was banned: 25-Jun-2015 7:00 PM

Please copy and paste the rule you broke: Combat Log

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:

The reason that I request a second chance is because I did not intend to combat log it was by accident I did not know they were still robbing me. I also do see the mistake from my side of not leaving the area before logging and making sure the RP is completely over.

Summary of what happened:

I was with a friend at the drug dealer and was just going to log off to play a game of King of the hill with my friend. Then some guys came up to me and told me to put my hands up so I did. After that they robbed me saw I had no money and some started to walk away after questioning why I have no money. There were still about two guys around me. I then though it was done and started to log off again. After I had left it said I was killed and banned for combat logging. I later when talking with the guys found out they wanted me to put my stuff in the gear of there car. I did not mean to combat log. I also think I could not hear them when they told me to give them my gear because one of them that was talking had a mic that was buzzing up a lot and I could not understand what he was saying. I really did not mean to do what I did and I see now when I am logging off I should not be in RP with other players even if it just ended as far as I know of.

Best regards Jack Kinch

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This was one of the worst cases of combatlog I've ever seen. There was nothing wrong with the mics, you simply tried disconnecting before they could rob you. When I spoke to you in TS, you first said "I was logging off anyways", when I then asked "How could you put your hands up if you were about to log out?" you then changed the story to "I thought they were done". They didn't even pause between robbing your money and asking you to put your clothing in the vehicle. And how can you log out when there is 4 ppl aiming big rifles at you? I don't know about the admin who will review this, but I for one don't believe it at all...


This was one of the worst cases of combatlog I've ever seen. There was nothing wrong with the mics, you simply tried disconnecting before they could rob you. When I spoke to you in TS, you first said "I was logging off anyways", when I then asked "How could you put your hands up if you were about to log out?" you then changed the story to "I thought they were done". They didn't even pause between robbing your money and asking you to put your clothing in the vehicle. And how can you log out when there is 4 ppl aiming big rifles at you? I don't know about the admin who will review this, but I for one don't believe it at all...

I see what you mean and why you don't believe me. For me the mic of one of the guys was really buzzing that must have been from my end though not his as I thought. When I put my hands up it was because I heard them talking to me. After that one or two backed away to some one else behind me and I though it was done. Then the mic started buzzing for me and I though he was talking to some other guys. So I logged off. I did see the video and understand why you think I did it on purpose I would think the same from your side. I am very sorry for what I did even if I did not intend to. I really hope you reconsider banning me but that is your choice. I am really sorry for what I did just really want to be able to be in the community of Altis life UK. I have been on for a year now and had many funny and fun RP experiences. I have spent lots of time in this server and don't want it all to end because of this instance. If you believe me or not all I am asking for is a second chance. I will do what you want in return I really just want to be able to experience the RP of this server again. When they were pointing the guns at me I though they were doing that because they thought I would pull a gun out and try to kill them. They did just rob me the second before. Also what happened on the TS is I was really logging off when they came but then said Hi and stopped logging off. After they took my money I though they were done with me and proceed to logging back off. That is when the guys mic started buzzing for me again which is most likely why I did not hear them telling me to give them my stuff.

Best Regards Jack Kinch

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Sorry for posting here but i was one of the guys who was robbing him and i still believe that you did intentionally combat log it was so obvious in our eyes and the admin who issued you the ban. As from the video you can hear and see us asking you to put your hands up numerous times which you complied with and then you put them down after we asked you to put your clothes into the vehicle you hesitated for a few moments and i took it upon myself to give you 5 seconds to make a move otherwise you would die. I thought 5 seconds was enough after you standing there for a minute or so not doing anything that we asked and maybe trying to call for help. It completely ruined the roleplay experience as far as i am concerned.


I also have a video from my PoV of the event if Brats evidence doesn't suffice.

Either way

17A) Any decision the Admin(s) state is final.

Sorry for posting here but i was one of the guys who was robbing him and i still believe that you did intentionally combat log it was so obvious in our eyes and the admin who issued you the ban. As from the video you can hear and see us asking you to put your hands up numerous times which you complied with and then you put them down after we asked you to put your clothes into the vehicle you hesitated for a few moments and i took it upon myself to give you 5 seconds to make a move otherwise you would die. I thought 5 seconds was enough after you standing there for a minute or so not doing anything that we asked and maybe trying to call for help. It completely ruined the roleplay experience as far as i am concerned.

I know it ruined the role play and I am very sorry for it. If I knew you were still robbing me I would have just given you my stuff and logged off. But one of you for me had a buzzing mic and it was very loud. If I do get a second chance I promise such a incident will never happen again. I am truly sorry for what I did I am not just saying it like that. If you guys want me to do something because I ruined the role play experience I will just tell me. I am truly sorry for what I did. When I put my hands down that was a little before the guys mic went buzzy again and I did not hear you tell me to put my gear in the car. I just want a second chance and I will never log when there are people around me ever again.

"[COLOR= rgb(191, 191, 191)]I did not intend to combat log it was by accident [/COLOR]"

Explain the accident... ?

"I did not intend to combat log it was by accident "

Explain the accident... ?
I just went to Kavala to pick up my friend we then decided to play king of the hill. I started to log off in front of the drug dealer. Some guys came in a car and I stopped logging and said hi for RP reasons. They then robbed me but I had a bad connection with one of them and his mic was static and it was extremely loud. After they robbed me I thought they were done because my friend also said they were robbing him. I thought they finished with me and went on to my friend. The guy then started to talk and all was static. I thought he was talking to my friend and I could not hear what the others were saying because of him. I presumed that they were talking to my friend. I then started to log off because I thought the RP between me and them was over. I logged off and got shot and banned for combat logging. I later on TS found out they were telling me to put my stuff in the car and were talking with me and not my friend. I did not intend to combat log. I simply though the RP between us was over and wanted to play with my friend. Another admin also stated that they were pointing guns at me why would I log off. 

This was one of the worst cases of combatlog I've ever seen. There was nothing wrong with the mics, you simply tried disconnecting before they could rob you. When I spoke to you in TS, you first said "I was logging off anyways", when I then asked "How could you put your hands up if you were about to log out?" you then changed the story to "I thought they were done". They didn't even pause between robbing your money and asking you to put your clothing in the vehicle. And how can you log out when there is 4 ppl aiming big rifles at you? I don't know about the admin who will review this, but I for one don't believe it at all...

Rebels normally keep there guns up to my experience so I thought they were just looking at me in case I pulled a gun at them because they did just rob me. I also did not have little gear I was also a rebel like them.

Clear by that video there is no static issues

Sorry this is a combat log, The punishment is a perm ban.

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