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Ian Holloway unban appeal (Unbanned 17/06/15)

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Ian Holloway

Active member
Your In-game name: Ian Holloway

Your Steam Profile ID: STEAM_0:0:47600597

Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter): 80526042446a0033460a3dff370ef450

Date & Time you was banned: Early Afternoon 13/6/2015

Please copy and paste the rule you broke: Combat Logging

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:

After being chased by a police helicopter and engaging in a gun fight with police forces, I was killed. Seeing that there were no medics online (I was on server 2), and the fact that my friends were also coming off, I decided to call it a day and come off Arma. I pressed escape and it wasn't working so just alt-tabbed my game and closed it. One of my friends still on the server informed me that I had been banned by an admin, so I decided to hop on teamspeak to try and find out which rule I had broken. I had a lengthy conversation with Neo in which he explained that leaving the server during combat, even if you are dead, is against the rules, I did not know this at the time and believed that I was allowed to disconnect seeing as there were no medics online and I was dead. At this point Neo explained to me that Police can revive (I did not know this before) and Neo believed that i had disconnected in an attempt to save my gear. I had looked through the rules prior to this event and I knew that combat logging was a bannable offence and at the time I did not believe that my actions fitted into the category of combat logging. I do admit at the time I did leave quickly and it may have seemed it was an attempt to save my gear, but I did not know this was possible before Neo explained to me afterwards. I am good at roleplay and really enjoy playing on this server, most people I've come across, especially Police and Medics have been very good and helpful. I've thoroughly enjoyed my time on the server and although i've been banned it is actually quite refreshing to know that this is a server with admins that do there job properly. If unbanned I promise never to leave again until my timer runs out. For these reasons I ask that I be unbanned and be given a final chance on the server,I do not ever aim to break any rules like many I have seen do, and be punished for doing, on the server, I believe that with more time I could also become a big member of the Altis Life Community. Please take the time to read this and then decide if you think I deserve to be given a chance, thanks and apologies, Ian Holloway.

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I tried to sort this out with the guy, my response to his report was this: 

 The first case was not a case of RDM and was accidental, in my 690 hour experience of Arma 3 I know that a 5.56mm bullet to the leg only cripples a player and does not kill them, I did not mean to kill you, only injure then heal later on. The second case I now understand to be RDM and apologise for. My friends and I believed that you were co-ordinating some kind of attack on us from the rest of your gang and I took the decision to take you out. After reading the rules I now realise that what I did was wrong and I should always try and roleplay before engaging in combat and I will compensate for what was lost. In my defense you did not make any attempt to contact me after the event or ask to talk to me on Teamspeak which I would willingly have done to resolve the situation.

- I asked to see the full recording and his friends recording to prove that I didn't just shoot him in the head, the guy made no attempt to talk to me on teamspeak which I would have done to resolve the situation. If I am un banned, I've already made it clear that i'll compensate the guy involved for his losses

Have you read and understood our RDM rule? Because it doesn't seem like it.

When I said I had a read of the rules, it was after this RDM report, at the time me and my mates were being shot at and I assumed it was due to the helicopter, I do realise it was RDM now, like I do understand the differences between RDM and non-RDM

If I got into this situation again, I'd try and contact the helicopter and warn him away from us, rather than assuming he's with the gang that was trying to kill us and then shooting at him. I'd ask the first person we robbed on the ground if he knew the man in the helicopter, find his name and send him a text message asking him to leave. 

I understand how to roleplay now, I know that it's often more fun to talk to people and resolve situations through other methods than killing, I never set out aiming to kill either of them, the first was an accident and the second was intentional but I believed he was working with the people shooting at us

But what does the rule actually say? It makes it quite clear when to shoot. Please try to make your response in one post this time.

Yeah sorry about posting too many times, should've put it all in one post xD. The rule states that shooting at someone without any proper roleplay is against the rules. I also need to give enough time for them to complete demands if I'm holding them up

You still have not copy pasted any of the rules you have broken here. I am still not 100% sure you have read them.

Oh my bad, I didn't realise I had to copy and paste them:

RDM - Random Death Match Definition:

Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban)

^ Rule 3B

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