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ID cards havening Pictures

Avion Solar

Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Trainer
United Kingdom
So Members of the Police and NHS have their ID cards which have images on them however the regular ID card does not. Back in the day when ID cards didn't have meta information, this wasn't so much of an issue however now that they do I believe that all ID cards should have an image of the person on them. The way this would work is when someone is creaking their character they're prompted to pose and take an image this image goes onto the ID Card and at a later stage if they ant to change it they could at the city hall. This would make it more difficult for people to use other people ID's and mean they have to put effort in to try look like the individual before using it.  

it could also be as simple as using the photo in the pause menu when you select option

Would this reduce the amount of ID robberies that take place? How much of an issue is false ID when dealing with traffic stops/PIC's etc?

I have been robbed a couple times for ID only and no idea if reporting it on my phone to police actually logs it? If someone is stopped and they produce my ID is there a record on PNC it could be a stolen ID?

Yes please. I would carry my ID again just to have it stolen so people can see the funny picture.

Yeah, it seems like a good idea as it would be a little harder to impersonate people and it adds a little more to the process of trying to adopt someone else's identity 


(This I my personal opinion and NOT the opinion of Staff)
