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Ideal CPU/Mobo combo for 1080p 60fps streaming


Hola folks!!

Right to the point, i've not really been paying attention to CPU's and MOBO's for the last say couple of years (I've been more than happy with my P55-UD3R and my Intel i5 750) however they are starting to show their age and are holding the rest of my system back.

Currently im running 16GB Corsair Vengance pro 2400MHz though im restricted to 1600MHz on this board, i have a GTX970 OC'd to pretty much Titan specs using GPU Tweak (Easily done without boosting voltages and over doing the memory). I've been trying out streaming recently and things are ok at 720p 30fps for most titles but say ARMA 3 and Battlefield 1 it's almost impossible to stream because of my CPU bottleneck, it's OC'd to 3.2GHz from 2.5GHz but it's now around 6 years old, and for a quadcore that's a little old, same with the board. The FPS drop i get streaming is madness, normally even using Shadowplay i hold between 55-60fps 1080p on ultra settings on Battlefield but as soon as i stream even at 720p 30fps it just slumps down to 14-20fps making the game unplayable.

So i'm asking you guys more up to date with CPU and MOBO's. what would you recommend for 1080p 60fps streaming, i know the RAM and GFX are more than up to the task. It's something im saving for so money isn't really an object, just makes it a more "when i can get it".

Your help is totally epic and seriously appreciated! 

TL/DR: My CPU and MOBO are Potato, recommend ubber good mobo/cpu combo. Thank you, come again.... 

As GPU get GTX 1080 and CPU i7-6700k. And as a motherboard i have Asus Z170 Pro gaming,it is good one and it is not that expensive. 

As GPU get GTX 1080 and CPU i7-6700k. And as a motherboard i have Asus Z170 Pro gaming,it is good one and it is not that expensive. 
Ill look into the CPU and MOBO, don't need the GPU, my 970 is overclocked beyond a 1080 :p 

Intel Core i5-7600K 3.8GHz Quad-Core Processor


 I asked for a PC build for my friend and  @CSI Xsum I passed it onto a friend he purchased it all except I think he bought a different case.

My friend can play Arma at Ultra on every game mode and stream at the same time.

That looks like an ideal combo, top end i5 with seriously good performance (and a probable overclock near 5GHz) and not overly expensive, probably sub £400... could be the one. Thanks! 

Ill look into the CPU and MOBO, don't need the GPU, my 970 is overclocked beyond a 1080 :p 
Sorry but. 970 will never beat a 1080, it's a whole yeah behind in technology and is v 7 compared to v 8

But a good cpu is i5 4690k OCed to 4.6ghz

Sorry but. 970 will never beat a 1080, it's a whole yeah behind in technology and is v 7 compared to v 8

But a good cpu is i5 4690k OCed to 4.6ghz
When overclocked it will, i've had the 970 for about 8 months so i'm not changing that at all, as i said it runs better than it should. 60fps average 1080p Ultra settings on Battlefield 1. I like to stretch my hardware almost as hard as my wallet. 

That does seem like a good chip but the 7k series does sound a little more tempting being that what i've read up on it can easily be pushed beyond 5GHz on air cooling alone. 

CPU and MOBO is my biggest problem, they alone are holding my system back. Yeah it's only a 970 but as i said before i've OC'd it to it's limit and it's running faster than a 1080.. trust me on that one, it's really annoying the hell outta my friend!! 

When overclocked it will, i've had the 970 for about 8 months so i'm not changing that at all, as i said it runs better than it should. 60fps average 1080p Ultra settings on Battlefield 1. I like to stretch my hardware almost as hard as my wallet. 

That does seem like a good chip but the 7k series does sound a little more tempting being that what i've read up on it can easily be pushed beyond 5GHz on air cooling alone. 

CPU and MOBO is my biggest problem, they alone are holding my system back. Yeah it's only a 970 but as i said before i've OC'd it to it's limit and it's running faster than a 1080.. trust me on that one, it's really annoying the hell outta my friend!! 
You've said that your saving and money isn't an object rn? I don't understand when people move up to the latest tech in mobo and cpu and ram and don't upgrade their gpu. I understand you say it runs really well but how long until that bottlenecks your new shiny cpu :p
