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im out boys

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One Shot

Well-known member
im going to make this short and sweet 

i would just like to thank all the staff for putting so much work in and @Wilcofor making this community so good

bye bye ?

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Just like that?

We must keep in touch mate, good luck with the little one!

im going to make this short and sweet 

i would just like to thank all the staff for putting so much work in and @Wilcofor making this community so good

bye bye
Time for money transfers now?

All that fun aside good luck!

If Troll Burn you bastard Burn......lol

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OneSh1t leaving speech!!!! Denied.  You have to wait 3 months before you can try again. <3 Please no. 

Guys calm down, he is out of his nut right now, give him a few hours before the high wears off and he will realize he made this post by accident, Do not fear!

Great officer, great lad but most of all a great mate...

this is a big loss, please reconsider your choice :)

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