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Im sorry to say..

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yes, as some of you may of been aware,

i have been away from altis for a little while now - due to group of friends spitting into police and other groups

i find myself walking alone down the roads of kavlala just remembering the better days when i was a police officer - so with this - a sad goodbye - i dont want to leave, but being on your own is a sad way to be - i hope everyone i have played with, enjoy the rest of the time on altis signing off here

james / imstyle

@imstyle saw this coming and it really sucks. Best of luck man, won't forget the times we had both in the police and The Sixth Sanctum <3

EDIT: You're a liar, why are you back already you scoundrel.

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confused.com sells insurance, I never understood why it isn't owned by Wilco.... as it'd fit more people here than car insurance...

confused.com sells insurance, I never understood why it isn't owned by Wilco.... as it'd fit more people here than car insurance...
When i worked in insurance around the time these comparision websites (confused/gocompare/moneysupermarket) were setting up i did own a comparison site that did quite well in the first few months however i neglected it for another project that was more successful!

That was in the days it was easy to rank websites... theres some history for you @Neo :)

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And this is how a leaving post, that isn't actually a leaving post (as they never actually left), becomes a historic post  :popcorn:

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the oddest thing is @Neo is that i did leave pretty much for  a month, i only just got round to writing this, when a few friends asked about joining the community, so i thought i would stay, if you can, please delete this 

I think he should be community banned for getting all our hopes up,

But on a side not welcome back to the popo

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