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Import Vehicles and Dealership Activity


Cheshire UK
This did start out as a reply to the suggestion by Custard Cream for a wipe https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/149887-server-wipe-keep-existing-factionsgangsmajor-businesses/  and the general decline of the server but as I penned it I thought it may be slightly bigger than a reply and could perhaps be a suggestion on its own and its focused around vehicles and dealerships:

Vehicles – In my opinion, outside of RP we all want to be driving nice fast cars and spend our money on shiny things, its GTA and ultimately this game has always been about 4 wheels.  The decision to freeze all import activity has had a detrimental effect on the server in several areas:

Dealerships: The visibility of dealerships and staff over the past 3 months has declined massively to the point of nonexistence/permanent closure for some. Where much of your trade came from import sales and no sight of a plan or strategy to resolve the situation, I can understand why they have failed, and these former hubs of activity are now ghost businesses.

Local Vehicles:  The above creates a knock-on effect, those dealers who have the local sexy vehicles are doing well and those that don’t are dead.  Because there is nothing from the dev team post announcement, players form their own opinions and herd mentality has started creating hyperinflation as people (rightly or wrongly) believe once imports are gone, these vehicles will suddenly be worth millions.  It allows a few dealership owners to get even more wealthy as they take advantage of the situation.

Player Possession:  To freeze all import vehicles has effectively done the same as seizing assets/bank accounts without committing any crime and I know many players have left the server or don’t fly in as much as a result.  They, as well as some dealerships, have been punished for something outside their control.  Its like applying an economy wipe without having an economy wipe and it should be addressed.

Short term solution – Create a list of all import models and apply a compensation value against each vehicle SHOULD the decision be to delete and compensate.

Example: Ford Focus ST is given a comp value of £200,000.00.

Simply put, at the point of deletion everyone knows what their Focus is worth. 

If the player base and dealerships know the comp value then everyone can resume buy/sell/hold activity across every vehicle in the city.

If the decision is NOT to delete and compensate and an equivalent vehicle is given in its place, then no one is worse off – you now have the local/redesigned Ford Focus which has the same performance stats as the original and therefore would still retain the same value.

These vehicles still exist in the city and are still being used by those who own them, I think the RPUK player base would prefer to utilise these vehicles in full until the point where Rock Star/FiveM give us the deadline to have them gone.  Proactively managing them rather than ring fencing them is not doing the server any favours.

Pros:   It reignites dealerships who relied on import sales and gives established players options to free up capital and continue character progress within the city.  It clears up uncertainty and confusion around players main assets and calms the local vehicle market to a degree.

Cons:  Someone needs to come up a list of vehicles and apply fair market value which, lets face it, is going to upset players who disagree with the valuation.  Ultimately, this would happen anyway and I think transparency will ultimately benefit the server rather than hurt it.

admittingly, if anything like this was to happen, prices would most likely be based of the import price

AKA: your lykan hypersport, gets bought in for 200k(or whatever) it's only worth 200k

admittingly, if anything like this was to happen, prices would most likely be based of the import price

AKA: your lykan hypersport, gets bought in for 200k(or whatever) it's only worth 200k
Yeah I think thats the basis on what I would presume is going to happen anyway - if stock was 200k from a dealer thats what youre gonna get back.  The main difference being up until they disappear the market is active again
