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Important! Houses and Garages now expire!

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The King
Lifetime Donator
This update was released in 6.2: http://www.altislife.co.uk/topic/13657-altis-life-uk-62/

If you do not login for 60 days then you will lose any houses and garages, This is to fix our ever growing housing problem.

Currently there are 1316 purchased property's on Altis (Can be seen here: http://my.altislife.co.uk/stats.php)

The issue is some of these people have never returned and still have there property and some of them have been banned leading to a massive housing crisis on our Island.

The Altis Government will be performing a massive repossession on January 4th at 8pm.

Please make sure you login to the server between now and then to make sure your property is not taken from you.

If you fail to visit Altis the government will take your storage/items and property's without compensation.

After this day of making people homeless the government will repossess your property after 60 days of absence from the Island.

With that being said... i expect most of you are looking forward to the 8pm restart on Sunday :)

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Everyone is going to have to start saving their pennies to put a down payment.

Or hit me up and I'll have your loan application reviewed quicker with a guy who knows a guy at the H.M. Treasury.

My cousin Libra is on vacation until mid January and I have some gear in his house including a Zafir. Would be nice if you could save the house for him so we don't lose all our gears and the house!

If Stratis goes down can we have the money we spent on houses there back?

What if we are on vacation till after January 4th? Will we be able to keep our houses and garages that we currently own?

You need to login as a CIV for the time to update!

Reminder... you need to login by the 4th to make sure your house and garage wont expire during the 4th government house repossessions.

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