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Increase Server Count

Dean Hastings

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Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Trainer
At this moment in time the max amount of players is 251. I don't know what we'd need to increase by anymore then that or if its possible but please increase it by another 25 please atleast. I can't really type anymore into this suggestion above says it all. 

Just remember 251 is ALOT. The higher it goes the more stress it puts on the server when its full.

Just remember 251 is ALOT. The higher it goes the more stress it puts on the server when its full.
I get that I do. I don't know what to say but I've been queueing for 30 minutes now and there's 32 in total in the queue. I'm currently 9th after 30 minutes. I love the server is populated but what good is if I can't play?

Increasing the server population every time people are unhappy with a queue would effect a lot of people's experience on the server (from that added stress causing lag), there was once a time when queue's were over 200 on here. It is a popular server therefore there is going to be peak times in the week and certain times where there will be a queue. You will definitely be able to play at position 30.

I'm living that 30-40fps life with massive stutter after 110 players are connected. 
So this ain't no good idea until something else changes. Like bandwidth or server hardware? 

I can sympathise with your frustration to be honest but I genuinely do not think the server could withstand anymore people at once, I remember Developers saying before the slot increase that anymore slots would lag the server and hurt it more than actually helping with the problem.

But you just never know, if more demand hits the server at these peak times they might upgrade, just never know.

You’d constantly be moving the goal post.

The slots have been upped considerably in the last 12 months, and the queue is still filling up.

The more slots, means increased discoverability on the server browser, which increases the queue. 

it’s a chain reaction

Possibly a better option would be to have a second server with them linked together like Altis, the negative of this though would be splitting factions and people using one of the servers to grind.

I have downvoted - not because I think it’s a bad idea though. Simply, I don’t think this is something that should be dealt with through a suggestion. Over the last year since I joined the community I have seen the server slots increase several times. 
Bottom line of this that the slots should be, and have been, increased when the system devs believe it can be done without impacting server performance. They will do that on their schedule and when the time is right I believe. 

I get that I do. I don't know what to say but I've been queueing for 30 minutes now and there's 32 in total in the queue. I'm currently 9th after 30 minutes. I love the server is populated but what good is if I can't play?
Were you not playing back in March time when if you didn’t get in at the 8pm restart you would be like 100th in the queue and wouldn’t be in til midnight. The server capacity has been upped a lot since then and the more it gets upped the more stress is put on the server and becomes less playable due to more lag etc 

Can we avoid drama, I see this suggestion might cause some drama

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I appreciate the suggestion and some people may think its time to up the slots although, As @Normansaid, 

You’d constantly be moving the goal post.

The slots have been upped considerably in the last 12 months, and the queue is still filling up.

The more slots, means increased discoverability on the server browser, which increases the queue. 

it’s a chain reaction

As a development team we are constantly looking at if it is viable to up the slots of the server. Rest assured, once the time comes that the server is stable enough to be upped in slots and the need is there, we will make the jump!  Although, until a time that we feel comfortable (with more optimisations and testing) we will be leaving the Player Limit as is. Thank you for the suggestion!

