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Insufficient client permissions on Teamspeak (Resolved)

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Active member
Player Name: Greg0139

Teamspeak Name: Greg 

I don't know if i'm banned from TS or not. I think it has something to do with me saying goodbye to people in the police channels after i quit the police. As i said i don't know if thats the case. 

Unsure what you mean... if you was banned you would not be able to join the server let alone connect to the lobby.

What are you trying to do when you get that message ?

I'm just trying to join a channel, and it says "Insufficient permissions". I can be in the lobby, and i see people in the lobby, but no one else in the other channels :S

Edit: I'm pretty sure something went wrong, when i left the police and they demoted my teamspeak, becuase it still says Greg [Paros]

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I know what's wrong @Greg0139! the Paros police rank is still there and it has no permissions at all! that's why its in combination with a police rank, because the "guest" or "donator" ranks have more permissions than those exact permission groups. :)

EDIT: An Admin or a Police officer has already figured this out and fixed it

Flies away

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If you are removed from police and need to keep a donator rank, you need to be granted the "User" group on teamspeak, otherwise all permissions are lost.... it's Teamspeaks useless numbering system.

i got him sorted out in teammspeak, i assume you can close this now

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