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Is roleplay going the wrong direction?

Eh, in most cases I would say it is impossible for it to be enjoyable for both parties because one of those parties more than likely just started playing and spent all of their starting cash on buying a truck, licenses and whatever tools/gear they need to gather the resources they are going to sell only to have it stolen from them immediately.  And, from what I have seen, it generally just goes like this anyway.

*a car pulls up with anywhere from 1-4 people in it, they all jump out and immediately point their guns at the farmer*
*commences stealing every single thing this new player has, then drives off in the new player's only vehicle*

That's not RP, that's just taking everything the guy has solely for in-game purposes.  His losses being your gains.  Thing is, he literally just lost everything he had and now has to literally run back and forth from the apple fields to the market to be able to even afford a backpack again.  

At least someone doing an illegal activity is more likely to have friends and other vehicles and enough money to start again.  But that is why people are targeted at the legal areas, because everyone knows they are unarmed and are easy prey.  No one goes there looking for RP, they go there just to steal whatever they can and be done with it.  

The only time I have seen any actual RP in those situations was longer than a year ago when some group was rounding up hobos to start some Saw-like game in a far away hut.  They didn't rob anyone, they just kidnapped them from the areas most likely to have defenseless hobos.
" I see nothing wrong with robbing them when there is quality rp involved."

It's nice to see a thread asking this question make it to the forums and receive some fairly positive and proper responses from people that have taken the time to provide examples and ideas on improvement. Since my return I have joined the Police, and since joining the Police I've noticed that every situation I now get involved in has this underlying judgement on me. I can't speak for whether this is the same for rebels, as I currently don't spend my time as one, but I am now spending my time having to justify my actions to the majority of people I apprehend in a Laison room and tell them how I valued my life. It's quite stupid....

Since coming back, I've decided to change my attitude a bit towards how I deal with situations. Before I found myself apologising quite a lot and accepting other peoples arguments even if I felt I was in the right, now I actually defend my points and argue the point. I've dealt with a hobo who after I caught him claimed I didn't value my life, and I caught gang members who claimed the same...it's absolutely ridiculous and is something that gets thrown out in roleplay in almost every gunfight an Officer has "Oh you didn't value your life much there Officer"...."You should value your colleagues life more"...I mean just fuck off, I can choose to value it how I wish, because the bottom line is, I don't want to die, so I usually do what I feel is best in that situation. With the fact that low ranks now have to have an INS or SGT present, I can see how a lot of Officers are nervous about this sort of stuff...and you can actually see it in game, how hesitant Police are to fire a gun a lot of the time. Yes, some aren't, but other times, they just daren't, even when they have a clear advantage.

Another thing I've noticed is this "whoever disembarks first wins" shit...I'll be in a pursuit, that person will drive away, then they stop jump and out scream "Don't get out your car don't get out you car or you die"...IF I get out, shout compliance and actually win, I receive a message to go to laison to justify how I didn't value my life cause there was a gun pointing at the car...and I'm just sat here thinking....what's the point of Police?...what do we actually do on this server anymore?.... I try save a guy from being robbed 5 minutes into my shift and have to spend 20 minutes justifying myself on teamspeak...

It's nice to see a thread asking this question make it to the forums and receive some fairly positive and proper responses from people that have taken the time to provide examples and ideas on improvement. Since my return I have joined the Police, and since joining the Police I've noticed that every situation I now get involved in has this underlying judgement on me. I can't speak for whether this is the same for rebels, as I currently don't spend my time as one, but I am now spending my time having to justify my actions to the majority of people I apprehend in a Laison room and tell them how I valued my life. It's quite stupid....

Since coming back, I've decided to change my attitude a bit towards how I deal with situations. Before I found myself apologising quite a lot and accepting other peoples arguments even if I felt I was in the right, now I actually defend my points and argue the point. I've dealt with a hobo who after I caught him claimed I didn't value my life, and I caught gang members who claimed the same...it's absolutely ridiculous and is something that gets thrown out in roleplay in almost every gunfight an Officer has "Oh you didn't value your life much there Officer"...."You should value your colleagues life more"...I mean just fuck off, I can choose to value it how I wish, because the bottom line is, I don't want to die, so I usually do what I feel is best in that situation. With the fact that low ranks now have to have an INS or SGT present, I can see how a lot of Officers are nervous about this sort of stuff...and you can actually see it in game, how hesitant Police are to fire a gun a lot of the time. Yes, some aren't, but other times, they just daren't, even when they have a clear advantage.

Another thing I've noticed is this "whoever disembarks first wins" shit...I'll be in a pursuit, that person will drive away, then they stop jump and out scream "Don't get out your car don't get out you car or you die"...IF I get out, shout compliance and actually win, I receive a message to go to laison to justify how I didn't value my life cause there was a gun pointing at the car...and I'm just sat here thinking....what's the point of Police?...what do we actually do on this server anymore?.... I try save a guy from being robbed 5 minutes into my shift and have to spend 20 minutes justifying myself on teamspeak...
Couldn't have put it any better.

Had a couple gents the other day claim I had delivered "the worst RP they had ever seen". Both were jailed and detained for assisting in drug trafficking at the heroin processor. They claimed that they weren't escorting the HEMMT full of heroin; that they arrived within moments of the truck "by coincidence" and that they landed because they needed to take a dump somewhere discrete. What really got them rustled was that I didn't believe their story of them carrying "BB guns". They argued that because I didn't perform any checks of the rifle that the RP was poor and that other officers had previously done rifle checks.

What people forget about is context.

When your walking down the street, minding your own business, it's more than plausible you are carrying an airsoft rifle.

But when I catch you flanking a truck full of a controlled substance at a drug processor, there's no way I'm going to take that kind of poor story, and I will make the judgment call with a clear conscious, because you simply cannot expect to RP out of every single situation there is; that's power gaming and I'm sick of the amount of times I've been called to the liaison room to justify sending people to jail who commit crimes.

On a separate note, perhaps a system where processors/dealers/mines for legal activities are in green zones (perhaps not all three, but atleast one of them). We need to encourage legal activities because at the moment a new player will loose all incentive to do said activities, resort to illegal trades and lead to a situation as mentioned above in a bad cycle.

Just my 2 cents.

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It's nice to see a thread asking this question make it to the forums and receive some fairly positive and proper responses from people that have taken the time to provide examples and ideas on improvement. Since my return I have joined the Police, and since joining the Police I've noticed that every situation I now get involved in has this underlying judgement on me. I can't speak for whether this is the same for rebels, as I currently don't spend my time as one, but I am now spending my time having to justify my actions to the majority of people I apprehend in a Laison room and tell them how I valued my life. It's quite stupid....

Since coming back, I've decided to change my attitude a bit towards how I deal with situations. Before I found myself apologising quite a lot and accepting other peoples arguments even if I felt I was in the right, now I actually defend my points and argue the point. I've dealt with a hobo who after I caught him claimed I didn't value my life, and I caught gang members who claimed the same...it's absolutely ridiculous and is something that gets thrown out in roleplay in almost every gunfight an Officer has "Oh you didn't value your life much there Officer"...."You should value your colleagues life more"...I mean just fuck off, I can choose to value it how I wish, because the bottom line is, I don't want to die, so I usually do what I feel is best in that situation. With the fact that low ranks now have to have an INS or SGT present, I can see how a lot of Officers are nervous about this sort of stuff...and you can actually see it in game, how hesitant Police are to fire a gun a lot of the time. Yes, some aren't, but other times, they just daren't, even when they have a clear advantage.

Another thing I've noticed is this "whoever disembarks first wins" shit...I'll be in a pursuit, that person will drive away, then they stop jump and out scream "Don't get out your car don't get out you car or you die"...IF I get out, shout compliance and actually win, I receive a message to go to laison to justify how I didn't value my life cause there was a gun pointing at the car...and I'm just sat here thinking....what's the point of Police?...what do we actually do on this server anymore?.... I try save a guy from being robbed 5 minutes into my shift and have to spend 20 minutes justifying myself on teamspeak...
The biggest problem with the whole "valuing your life" thing when it comes to police is they have sworn to protect and serve the community.  If you run away every time you are threatened and allow people to be murdered and robbed in the middle of the city square because someone said "don't do this or you die" then you aren't really valuing the lives of those you are sworn to protect, are you?  It's exactly like you said, what's the point of the police?  Just last night an Ifrit had free reign of Kavala square because if any cop actually engaged or even tried to do anything they'd be blasted by the rebels and forced into the liason room where almost certainly the higher-ups would side with the Rebels because of the way people interpret valuing their lives now, most likely leading to the officer getting some form of disciplinary action against them.  

It's kind of hijacking the thread, but as it is now, the cops are hamstrung by their own rules and are virtually unable to protect any of the citizens of the island, let alone themselves.  If you aren't able to help the citizens of the island because when ever you try, you're told you're going to get killed and that's the final say (do otherwise and you're yelled at by everyone) then, like you said, what's the point?

UNMC pew pew the bank once a week since cops give them info when its getting robbed, so they go pew pew for the gold from the rebels insted of the HM.
Actually pew pew once a week came into place along time the let's take down rebels after hm started. In fact iv been in the unmc for two weeks and I haven't done a bankjob once, there were talks of it both weeks but the first one we didn't do one because of AR was gone and that would be a massive advantage to us. And the second week we haven't done (as far as I know) because the police already had to much shit on their hands.

So why don't certain rebel gangs have the decency to not rob it 5times a day?

Anyone remember the Rebel Police meetings? Why don't we organise a large scale meeting with gang leaders, UNMC and police. With openings for civilians. It could lead to new rules and better understanding between members of the community. 

Have always encouraged a meeting for different areas of the Community to air their concerns and provide ideas for change. Think this would be a great idea if people felt up to it.

Have always encouraged a meeting for different areas of the Community to air their concerns and provide ideas for change. Think this would be a great idea if people felt up to it.
Last I done this two CSIs came in complaining, so not sure everyone agrees with this. Although everyone except them thought it was a decent idea.

Have always encouraged a meeting for different areas of the Community to air their concerns and provide ideas for change. Think this would be a great idea if people felt up to it.
I may be wrong but I'm sure we did this once?

if we did, why did we stop it?

Otherwise, maybe I'm just cracking up.

I may be wrong but I'm sure we did this once?

if we did, why did we stop it?

Otherwise, maybe I'm just cracking up.
Steph did one or two before she left, but unfortunately it was never carried on. I would love to see it return though.

One thing I don't understand is when people run into active gunfights, get shot and then complain about RDM. Ok, sometimes people don't know it is an active gunfight but you regularly get people running towards shots in Kavala or stopping at the bank during a bank op. You should value your life, so I don't understand when the police are in an active gunfight people decide it is fine to walk around like normal, the only reason they do is because they know they are protected by RDM rules and will do completely stupid shit like run into where the rebels are or just troll the police who can't immediately taze/restrain them or they'll get salty.

The thing is, SOME people enjoy gunfights. Plain and simple. Alot of these people come to RP servers because of the ability to "value your life" to play out a gunfight, as apposed to saying "fuck it I only want to do this for 15 minutes, I'm just gonna run out there and try and do x and if I get shot I'll just respawn and w/e."

Now from what I've seen from other servers, there are 2 ways of dealing with these people when they get in big enough numbers/gear. Make what they're doing against the rules, or introduce a group of people with the SOLE purpose of dealing with this kind of RP (big gunfights/pewpew HM/police hostages). This can be NATO, SWAT, AR, UNMC w/e... but the idea is that the people who are white listed for this role ENJOY gunfights/pewpew HM/hostage situations, are on the side of the law and are good enough/well equipped enough to challenge any gang most of the time. This a. makes it so police don't have to deal with this BS and b. splits the people who do like this type of RP into rebels and X, instead of just rebels, so noone has to feel like an asshole for playing the game the way they find fun.

This gives white-listed officers of the law a clear choice in what they are signing up for; dealing with warrants/hobos/small robbery/dispatch and the whatnot, and another whitelisted roll for people who want to deal with the other shit.

Now, I'm all for making "adjustments" to the rules e.g. copper trader greenzoned, only RP HM, anyone running towards an active gunfight, on foot or vehicle is engaging in that gunfight, no police hostages, KoS Rebel only areas, every person needing to individually engage in RP so no more "because snipers" ect... However as it stands rebels have far too much power, can and will abuse the rules for monetary gain and have very little to lose. I believe there needs to be a rule change, or a big "fuck you" squad whitelisted so the Rebels aren't making so much profit anymore. Instead of "lets camp the copper tradder/drug dealer, there's no risk because there's 10 of us and we can sit there till reset and the police can do nothing" it's more like "if we camp an area we're at risk of the wraith of the "fuck you" squad coming in helis, infrits and snipers to kill every last one of us giving us a net loss for every poorly planned operation. Hell, let the "fuck you" squad KoS anyone with an illegal firearm in a city, then more rebels will value their life and stop running around everywhere with riffles because "snipers".

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Surely you would be able to gather a small group to do a RP bank op
I would just like to make a point. Whenever I see someone doing a RP HM it seems many of the police just leave instantly, just leaving 1 cop. I don't know if it is because it is 'just an RP bank robbery', but it can make the situation alot less fun...


No a Cartel is about making money, being a dick to new players and taking all what they worked 30-45 minutes for in matter of seconds with the same "get out of thetruck or you'll get shot" either shoot him or put him in zips/hands on head and then steal his keys and sell all the stuff in the truck. and then to top it off many people enjoy stealing the truck aswell, and executing the hobo so he can't report it stolen.

This happens so much more than you think Riku and do you believe that's ok? The fact is that only the strong survive. We were all there once and we managed to survive it.
I would just like to make a point. Whenever I see someone doing a RP HM it seems many of the police just leave instantly, just leaving 1 cop. I don't know if it is because it is 'just an RP bank robbery', but it can make the situation alot less fun...
Just to comment on this again we are playing the role of police officers. If we can stay at an RP bank operation it is pf course encouraged however with the crime rate on the island being so high if the HM is non violent and police presence is needed elsewhere then that's where they go.  Hope that answers why most of the time a small of officers stay on scene.
