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Active member
I am sorry for putting up this report again, when you already rejected it. Though you rejected it for a lack of evidence. I know this takes up more of your time, but please look closer at the picture. I know it doesnt proof any RDM but it does proof rule 6A. As it says Jack ha killed us both in the chat, and my friend is laying dead in the GreenZone of Kavala Garage.
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
Time & Date this happened:
2015-06-20 16:40 (GMT+2)
Which Server did this happen on:
Server #2
Description of what happened:
Me and Zebbes where waiting for our third Gangmember to arrive, and Jack walked in with a pistol and shot us both. The screenshots are taking after i respawned and walked back there.
What Rule Was Broken ?:
2B: RDM (Random Death Match)
6A: [SIZE=medium]You are unable to kill anyone in a green zone[/SIZE]
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?
Yes, but he wont respond.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
View attachment 299

It say skogman was killed by Jack just a few line above .. tho you are only 8 Minutes into your NLR (Also did you break NLR by going there?)

How do I know 100% your friend was killed by him in this exact place? For all I know is thet there is about ~5 Minutes where you could have respawned and died to something else again but just scrolled up the Chat?

Denied - Lack of evidence. I let an Ingame Admin know to have a look at some "Jacks" playing on our server so we see if this happens again.

If you put up another report I will issue a warning point.

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