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Jakey, YamieZ, Cameron (Action: Bans Issued 08/10/2014)

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(Un)Retired Memester
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Jakey, Yamiez, Cameron
Time & Date this happened: 21:00GMT 28th September 2014
Description of what happened: Saw a vehicle atop near the Cocaine Processing, me and PC Deleter went to check it out, when we arrived they warned that they would shoot, they shot straight away after warning. I took out two with my taser and PC Deleter was killed by a third, to which I tased the third one. Then they all began to combat log, as you can see two of them have  Police Vests on.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Nope, they combat logged and I don't believe they go on the TeamSpeak
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)




Cameron in athira taken down by the cops, hmm what backback is it that he is wearing and where can I buy one?


Had a serious talk with Cameron where I explained all the rules patiently, and asked him why he did what he did. He said he was not going to stop breaking the rules. 

Alright, im not usually the guy who break the rules.
Our day had gone so shit, we had nothing left, all we had was that car, the cocaine we were processing, we had no money left.
We had been RDM'd all day and were just tired of the bullshit, So yes i admit to combat logging.
I know its wrong to break the rules, but sometimes you just have to.
Now about Cameron, whilst we're on teamspeak he always talks about breaking the rules and such, he doesnt really care.
He always says he will keep breaking the rules.
If only you knew how many Arma 2 servers we've been banned from because of him.
You can wipe my current characters gear if that is needed (i really dont want a ban)
I also gave a cop my vermin because i didnt want to get banned.
Anyways if a wipe of my character is needed just dont take my money, i spent the whole day farming to get money. It'd be a complete waste of my day.

Have a nice day
- YamieZ

I forgot to say this, i took for granted that we were allowed to take cop gear.
Also Jake is a nice guy aswell.
If we are banned i'd appreciate if we were unbanned, you probably should not unban Cameron ( He doesn't give rat shit about rules)

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Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but the rules made about cop gear was a temp rule untill this patch came where you no longer can loot bodies no?

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but the rules made about cop gear was a temp rule untill this patch came where you no longer can loot bodies no?
Not sure actually, only been playing here for around 4-5 days :)

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but the rules made about cop gear was a temp rule untill this patch came where you no longer can loot bodies no?
This was before Patch 5.0.

Alright, im not usually the guy who break the rules.

Our day had gone so shit, we had nothing left, all we had was that car, the cocaine we were processing, we had no money left.

We had been RDM'd all day and were just tired of the bullshit, So yes i admit to combat logging.

I know its wrong to break the rules, but sometimes you just have to.

Now about Cameron, whilst we're on teamspeak he always talks about breaking the rules and such, he doesnt really care.

He always says he will keep breaking the rules.

If only you knew how many Arma 2 servers we've been banned from because of him.

You can wipe my current characters gear if that is needed (i really dont want a ban)

I also gave a cop my vermin because i didnt want to get banned.

Anyways if a wipe of my character is needed just dont take my money, i spent the whole day farming to get money. It'd be a complete waste of my day.

Have a nice day

- YamieZ


I forgot to say this, i took for granted that we were allowed to take cop gear.


Also Jake is a nice guy aswell.

If we are banned i'd appreciate if we were unbanned, you probably should not unban Cameron ( He doesn't give rat shit about rules)
It's funny you say this and you are all sorry because you were very attuned to calling us pricks and laughing at us while all three of you combat logged. 

This was before Patch 5.0.

It's funny you say this and you are all sorry because you were very attuned to calling us pricks and laughing at us while all three of you combat logged. 
i said nothing in direct.... I was laying behind the "priest bench?" (dont really know the name).

My 2 friends Jake and Cam said the only things.

All i said was do not enter we will shoot :)

Ofcourse i have no proof of this, but neither do you. 

Thing is i wanna keep playing on this sever, my friends dont.

The only thing i did was combat log. Which i do know is against the rules on every single server.

But after a day of just straight bullshit i couldn't take it anymore, which i hope will be forgiven.

Deeply sorry for the inconvience.

- YamieZ

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What? Jakey should not even be on the server. If he's a squeaky kid then he was already banned for being a right combat logging little c***.

Wow. Can we just ban all future players named 'Jakey' - It's clearly the name choice of ****holes and c***s.

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538bea0af51519bfdb31af292ca43b15 -1 Jakey - Forum Report 08/10/2014

41ec5c723cda0d97991b0ee74b9a12d7 -1 Cameron - Forum Report 08/10/2014
7155f00082e062b28f67e4eb51a9a9ea -1 Yamiez - Forum Report 08/10/2014
Bans issued
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