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Judges and Solicitors unable to Clock Out

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So, as a Solicitor and Judge, you are unable to Clock Out of your job.
Being clocked in as anything besides Solicitor/Judge (and being whitelisted to this position) gives you the option to clock in on the left pillar of the front desk at the city hall (Image 1 | Image 2)
However, once you are able to clock in you are unable to clock out. Have looked everywhere at the front desk but there was no option to clock out.

Before writing this report I contacted a Judge to see if they had the same problem and to also test if clocking in while being Unemployed helped.
The Judge was also unable to see a Clock Out option and doing the same thing as Unemployed didn't make the Clock Out option appears after clocking in.

What's the actual impact of this? I don't think there really needs to be a clock out? Solicitor / Judge are more roles that you 'always on duty' while driving round the city, so that you can receive dispatches and appear on the law directory etc 

Surely you can still just clock into another job e.g Mechanic / Taxi / NHS etc if you wanted to do that? And clock out from that job if you desperately wanted to be in the 'unemployed' state for whatever reason

I myself don't really like to have to drive to another station just to clock in on another work. I cannot travel as fast as other people because I have to obey the traffic lights (or should at least) and cannot pass the speed limit. Clocking out is the only way to appear unavailable on the Law Directory if I need to.

I put this in the Bug Section and not the Suggestion for one reason. Every other job as a clock out and the same examples Norman said can be applied to them. Was it supposed for Solicitors to not have a clock out option?



Thank you for your help in alerting us to this bug, now that all of the required information has been gathered, it's been logged with the development team who will look to fix this. ​


Thread locked, awaiting development team response
Excellent news! This has now been fixed by the development team and will be released in a future server update.
Thanks for doing your bit to help us keep the servers bug free!​


Locked & Moved to Solved
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