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Kam ;)


Active member
Mighty Newcastle
Basically I played this server like once about a million years ago with an irl mate now I turned into a limbless rat and have came with a few people to here so yea hi xxx

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Old iPhone... I have one of those.... Becomes a oven when I watch a yt video
It's the mighty Jay Brean, the 16 year old who sounds ten, never say anything bad about him or rate anything he own's.

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Why are you posting pictures of other people in here and try to bully them! I know Jay Brean and i dont know who you are so you better stop and apologize before u get urself banned.
it was a joke, if your going to cry I'll remove it. I have played with the lad before on a server we both used to play hence why I know who he is and personally I thought the guy was a top lad so dunno where you got the bully bit from

it was a joke, if your going to cry I'll remove it. I have played with the lad before on a server we both used to play hence why I know who he is and personally I thought the guy was a top lad so dunno where you got the bully bit from
It's katana man, he is a Japanese sword.... A bit on the edge ;)

Welcome to the community, I hope I will see you soon.

