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Kavala, Athira and Pygros Prisons...


Richest man on FiveM
In my room
What happened, why are they gone, they made everyones lives so much easier... what happened?

I am going to be 100% honest and say what I said on the day I saw them which was "who the fuck made these, they are the worst made and quickly thrown together prisons (jails as they were called) I have ever seen"

Now maybe that offended someone, not sure but since the release of eden everyone is a map editor, these badly designed prisons just had to go and just did not fit in on our servers, In terms of making things easier... that's up to the police to decide if they want to drive people to HMP Altis or send them via other means, It was a decision surrounded by many decisions that had to be made quickly.

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Another thing about the prisons in cities is that it gives rebels a chance to get there men back if they know there positions so it is an equal chance between police and rebels :)

In my opinion, I think this was a needed action. You see, after I first learned about the addition of 3 new prisons/jails, I was a little bit annoyed as I felt that they were added just so the cops didnt need to drive as far as they initially did with the HMP we had before. 

As Wilco said above, they really didnt look like time was put in to them and to be honest I completely agree, and they also made HMP useless and if your buddy was to be in a police car then you probably would not get him out because of the new prisons being so plentiful and less than a 5 minute drive in most cases

In my opinion, I think this was a needed action. You see, after I first learned about the addition of 3 new prisons/jails, I was a little bit annoyed as I felt that they were added just so the cops didnt need to drive as far as they initially did with the HMP we had before. 

As Wilco said above, they really didnt look like time was put in to them and to be honest I completely agree, and they also made HMP useless and if your buddy was to be in a police car then you probably would not get him out because of the new prisons being so plentiful and less than a 5 minute drive in most cases

I am going to be 100% honest and say what I said on the day I saw them which was "who the fuck made these, they are the worst made and quickly thrown together prisons (jails as they were called) I have ever seen"

Now maybe that offended someone, not sure but since the release of eden everyone is a map editor, these badly designed prisons just had to go and just did not fit in on our servers, In terms of making things easier... that's up to the police to decide if they want to drive people to HMP Altis or send them via other means, It was a decision surrounded by many decisions that had to be made quickly.
HMP is still used, having both options was very useful, having the local jails for smaller offenders and HMP was strictly used as a high security prisons for murderers and cop killers, please bring them back I beg

I can see what you mean, I guess im no cop so i dont really know whats its like xd

Thank god they are gone, cops never made the journey and just put people in the closest prison :p They were ugly and saved cops from rp'ing with prisoners on the way to prison :(

It's just a waste of time if we are putting someone away for a minor crime but too major to ticket

Maybe it will deter officers from sending people to jail if they cannot quickly access them, giving civilians more chances of roleplaying out of a sentence #Fairplay

Ok, my personal 2c

The small local prisons were great, and IMO actually contributed positively to RP.

With the local jails in place, whilst I hear arguments that cops are less likely to drive all the way to HMP reducing the chance of RP en-route, I can tell you from my own experience, vehicle RP during prisoner transport is rarely enjoyable or immersive for either party.  Usually the lengthy, core, quality and enjoyable RP has already taken place during the arrest / questioning phase and whilst en-route, in a many cases, the prisoner is salty or toxic about the prospects of going to Jail, the fact he's had his weapons confiscated & going to lose his gear, or simply that he's 'lost'.  Since the meat of the RP has already been consumed, vehicle RP often, and sadly, descends into 10-15 mins of small talk or insults.  Though it could be argued that it's realistic RP for a prisoner to be toxic, I hate to admit it, but quite often it seems like it's the player venting his own hostility via the medium of his character. 

The small local prisons had a number of positive effects. Officers were more likely to use them meaning prisoners got less jail time (win), and cops spent more time on the streets RP'ing (win). 

To stress again, there are some fantastic roleplayers out there who don't take getting sent to jail personally and who enter into the spirit of RP with the arresting officers. I would gladly spend 15 mins driving them to HMP just for the crack, but, I'd rather take them to the local prison and give them a mere 5-6 mins purely as a reward for their effort so they can be out RP'ing in the community again quickly. 

If the local jails were to come back, and I hope they do, I would suggest making them look better to appease @Wilco & max sentence time reduced to the old 15 mins. HMP should remain the same and reserved for the serial offenders and the toxic ruleplayers. 


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