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Kavala Gun Store - Brett The Hard Lad


Active member
After a small test yesterday i have decided to officially open a handgun shop in kavala on behalf of the soprano gang, it will only sell legal weapons for the time being i.e. handguns with the specific use of self defense (will not be selling to risky little hobos!). yesterday over the course of 4 hours sold roughly 30 units, special offer was a 9mm with 60-90 rounds for £20,000 and it was very successful from a roleplay point of view, also there was 0 robberies at the clothing shop so hopefully the police wont mind too much. i am also looking into the possibility of stocking armored vests but have held off until i can come up with a fair price

The store will be portable so will not always be in the same place however mainly be situated next to the clothing shop so new spawns can get equipment and a weapon. any suggestions will be much appreciated

This is a cool idea, however have the possibility to sell guns to mentally unstable people but that is the chance that you take :p best of luck with the gun store mate, try not to get robbed.

The other day I came across a man giving away his MX to a pair of hobos. Within 10 minutes both hobos were banned for RDM.

Please, sell weapons responsibly. (Don't worry, I did read the part about not selling to risky little hobos. Try to ensure you don't sell to sneaky little hobos either)

Oh that was you, me and my friend actually planned to rob you but you were such a chill guy so we decided not to. Goodluck with selling your guns!

Love this :)

Maybe you could do some sort of test for the buyers to make sure they know how to handle the weapon etc. Could RP it as a refresh course from when they got their license (just an idea)

there is always a threat of being robbed however i have my gang nearby for the majority of the time to ensure there is no foul play, also dainmk i would never sell a powerful weapon to a hobo and in fact i dont particularly want to sell a powerful weapon to anyone (trying to keep it legal), if somebody approaches me with the correct attitude and seems stable then im happy to oblige. i sell it as a defensive weapon only and to be fair i think 95% of the guys i sold to yesterday were decently geared. Craxzy i knew you and your friend were thinking about it but i had a handful of gang members nearby as backup incase things went sour. as for robberies there will be no robberies while me or my gang members are present especially the poor rp of "hands up, hands up" while somebody is buying a hat...i think the majority of the community will appreciate the opportunity to get geared and get a weapon without the lengthy drive. i think tonight ill stock the 9mm with the same deal maybe a handful of .45's but i need to work out offers and pricing 

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The NKB does not appreciate The Sopranos muscling in on the rightfully Russian arms trade in Kavala. 

We will see you soon Comrade.

The NKB does not appreciate The Sopranos muscling in on the rightfully Russian arms trade in Kavala. 

We will see you soon Comrade.

If the NKB want to trade weapons in kavala you are absolutely welcome to open negotiations, the town is big enough for the two gangs however that part of kavala is now a Soprano ran area and if you want to trade your weapons there you will pay respects and you'll certainly be paying "insurance". As i mentioned we are not delving into automatic weapons currently so feel free to fill that gap

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i have since moved this to the green zone as i don't make enough money to justify being robbed! plus better for customers as atm is nearby, i have also delved into buying illegal firearms off hobos that find them out and about, obviously just to try and keep the streets safe...Currently selling vests, 9mm's and .45's 

Oh great idea mate, i also did sold some .45 ACP's at the Square some weeks ago and made a decent living, i still do sometimes and its quiet fun. However, i dont really think any of us should do it in the greenzone. We could just hire armed guards to make sure hobos wouldnt mess around, would also make some roleplay for a Black market maybe?

I guess you Guys are the reason i got mugged at least 5 times with 9MM last night. Some hobo even stole my .45 and put his own girl gun in my hands.

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i only sell them for the sole purpose of defense, hence why i sell vests aswell...most of my customers are regulars at the moment (First name basis etc.). I am looking for suggestions as to what people would want to see sold there aswell such as helmets, maybes vermin etc ill leave that to you guys

Maybe you could sell items from the general store. Toolkits, NVG etc. Save people the run.

Just remember that the vermin is illegal, so if caught selling, well, it's trouble :)
