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Khandamir, background story


Currently residing in Los Santos
My name is Khandamir. I am a Priest, loyal to the Word of Asmin and I have come to this Island to seek the long forgotten Temple of Asmin. To find spiritual guidance and to spread His word.

Long since there have been rumours of this Great Temple of Asmin. It was said to be the pinnacle of the Old World, a marvel of engineering and construction alike. Built to honour the great Asmin, who once ruled over vast parts of this world.

When Christianity took over this part of the world, His Word was banished. His priests were slaughtered. The Temple was forgotten and became but a distant memory.

But, a few weeks back, when I was still scavenging on the Isle of Altis, I found a rusted iron chest, buried in a cave near Kavala. On top of it a pile of bones. I felt a spiritual presence at that moment and I felt nothing but the urge to open the chest.

Inside I found parchments with a language that at first seemed alien to me. When I looked at it closer, understanding came over me. I was able to read this language, one I had never seen or heard before.. It told me of an Island in the far Pacific. The birthplace of the man who became a God. The birthplace of Asmin. The parchment spoke about a great Temple, buried and overgrown by the rainforest and the jungle.

The islands name was Tanoa. And I knew with a certainty I have never experienced in my life that I had to go there. I was chosen for this. I, the humble Servant of Asmin, will bring back his worshipping to the His people. For far to long fake Gods have ruled over the Tanoans.

With a feeling of great resolve, I took the next plane to South America and booked passage on a ship to Tanoa.

Great adventures lie ahead, as does great hardship. The people of this Land will have to be convinced that this is who they truly are: Asmins Children. The Temple must be restored to its former glory and it shall require sacrifices. It is my duty, my holy duty, to spread His word. To bring His people back in line.

No matter what the cost.

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