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Knockout Script

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Well-known member
Oxford, United Kingdom
My suggestion is simple, make a knock out script for the GTA server. In all honesty, I shouldn't even be having to make this suggestion but I am. The amount of people who do not value their lives is fucking disgusting. I have pulled out a gun on people, for them either to pull out a knife and shank me while I'm still trying to RP with them, or they say they're "suicidal". When you're trying to rob people this makes it impossible. The overall amount of RP some people produce is terrible, but this just tops it when people don't value their life. So we need a knockout script so people physically have to value their lives, or they will lose their stuff by it being robbed from them

There needs to be some sort of knockout functionality for blunt weapons, especially the police baton. Its really annoying when you try to subdue someone but accidently end up killing them. Though don't think robbing should be a server function. It should be left down to RP.

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There needs to be some sort of knockout functionality for blunt weapons, especially the police baton. Its really annoying when you try to subdue someone but accidently end up killing them. Though don't think robbing should be a server function. It should be left down to RP.
Robbing was meant to be an example. Tbh at the time of writing this I was so angry because of the amount of people who just refused to value their life today. 7 times I used a gun, 7 times nobody valued their life. But I do agree with you

There needs to be some sort of knockout functionality for blunt weapons, especially the police baton. Its really annoying when you try to subdue someone but accidently end up killing them. Though don't think robbing should be a server function. It should be left down to RP.

Thats the main idea of my one

 Only problem i see with this is that it may seem like it's taking inspiration from A3 in terms of forcing people to become hostages

Thats the main idea of my one

 Only problem i see with this is that it may seem like it's taking inspiration from A3 in terms of forcing people to become hostages
Yeah I believe that we need both the ability to tackle and also some sort of non-lethal melee weapon.

i can see where you are coming from bbut i think that a knockout script would cause even less Rp from the robbers side . and also make the server more like arma 3

i can see where you are coming from bbut i think that a knockout script would cause even less Rp from the robbers side . and also make the server more like arma 3
The main issue I have with this, is that its not the RP from the robbers that is the issue, its the people being robbed/detained. Police are lucky since they have the Taser, however for civs 1. zipties don't work and 2. people don't value their lives. I try and keep my RP to a good standard, but when you're stood there with a UZI threatening to kill somebody when all they have are fists out and they don't care because they are "suicidal", who's the person producing bad RP in that situation? Out of the 30+ times I've robbed people so far on FiveM, only 2 people have valued their lives so far. And by the end of it I've only taken half of what I wanted as a sort of "I'm going to rob you, but thank you for OBEYING the rules and valuing your life". Its sad to think that I've had to literally turn around and tell them thank you for valuing their life when I shouldn't have to do that. Then because they won't, you kill them and don't get any "loot". So not only have you wasted your time, but you've lost out on some decent RP because somebody isn't willing to sacrifice their run on having a good RP session

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