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LA Dante VDM (Hacker Induced by Setting Velocity and SetDamage.)

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Joke how difference people get treated.

Its obviously VDM when Eddylane breaks NLR to come steal the hemit box back. He got killed by ME and I died 20seconds AFTER him. How come at when im still 1.2km away and used 13minutes (still waiting to join the others) he runs up to the cocain proccessor? And you said hes been there 5 min already waiting? Stop trying to say it wasnt planned. Cause your a bitter man.

Even earlier on when you started ramming my (edit : Tempest Covered) with 6 others with hemit box (you and your gang) and you goes out of the trucks firing at me as hell and when I cant drive anymore I go out and kill you and later I got killed by one of your gang. I said nice RP for not even saying a word and you say quote  "You opened fire"..

So Dante just stop lying with your bullshit excuses. Be a man an admit you broke the rules just to get the truck back. 


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Uhm guys 1 i was sneaking up on you guys i was waiting till one of my crew members shot the guy behind my hemtt and 2 He exploded in mid air i have no video proof of it  because i forgot to put my recording on again i most times have my video record on.

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Joke how difference people get treated.

Its obviously VDM when Eddylane breaks NLR to come steal the hemit box back. He got killed by ME and I died 20seconds AFTER him. How come at when im still 1.2km away and used 13minutes (still waiting to join the others) he runs up to the cocain proccessor? And you said hes been there 5 min already waiting? Stop trying to say it wasnt planned. Cause your a bitter man.

Even earlier on when you started ramming my hemit box with 6 others (you and your gang) and you goes out of the trucks firing at me as hell and when I cant drive anymore I go out and kill you and later I got killed by one of your gang. I said nice RP for not even saying a word and you say quote  "You opened fire"..

So Dante just stop lying with your bullshit excuses. Be a man an admit you broke the rules just to get the truck back. 

 u really that stupid?

I stopped my recordings to check my time and it was 13 minutes after it i waited 2 minutes till i was there.

Topic closed ! Ban has been rejected stop posting please !


funny how yesturday wilco said to me there was no kill log on the server when i got killed on the vip island then 
Well, there are setvelocity logs and setdamage logs if it is not 1. This means that either kills are not recorded as it is a kill, not setdamage. And if the hacker uses a number like 100 for some reason (Even though it is a max of one.). Therefore I can see the information of some hackers, but not others. 

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