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Let's talk about cops..

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Active member
Before I begin, I don't want to start a witchhunt or anything similar. I just want to bring attention to this topic after seeing other threads complaining about Rebels and Hobos. Let's move on now.

I've been keeping myself from doing something like this in a bit but today finally passed the line. When I was like 30-40 hours in the game I didn't really notice how good the police RP and their acting overall is. I thought it was fine and all the people complaining were just mad because they got caught doing weed. Now, don't get me wrong - I'm not saying all cops are extremely bad at following their own rules or even basic RP rules. Just some. Proceeding - these things usually happen around the earlier hours of the day (before 14:00 UK time) when there are notably less officers and civs on. What happens with drug runs as a whole - the police force loves breaking the rules and camping more than 15 minutes at the weed processor (I can speak for it because I've experienced it first hand). If I wanted to get someone demoted or whatever I would've posted a report for this but this is just a rant so I'll not be saying any names unless requested to do so.

Me and my mate just went for a quick weed run with his chopper so we can get some fast money but as soon as we started lowering, we heard a gunshot or two. Logically, we went up and started scouting the area as many normal players would do. We decided to wait a bit because we figured those shots came from the forest where officers also love staying in. So we waited about 10 minutes and what do you know - a decoy cop car (going to explain that in a bit) starts driving away from the weed field. Although we knew it was fishy as all hell, we decided to think that they would obey the rules and it was actually all policeman in the area in the given car just retreating after doing their time. Followed the car for a bit and it seemed to be leaving for good so we returned and I got out alone just to try and process it alone while my mate was hovering with the heli a little above ground (still expecting cops). And what do you know, as soon as I finish my first batch 4 or more officers just start storming towards us telling me to put my hands up and ordering my friend to land the heli and do the same. Well, he bailed and I stayed. I was apprehended by a SGT rank (decently high up to be expected to know the rules perfectly) who got my weed out but as the amazing officer he was, he forgot to check my backpack for the illegal gun I had (which he obviously should've done since he already found illegal substances in my possession). Later on I come to know that my friend has also been put on the wanted helicopter list without any warnings whatsoever from the police. (usually you'd get a message or whatever saying you're violating air laws) Now how come they put that when they have no reason to do so? They put him on the wanted list before they found the substances on me or anything of that sort. Just doesn't add up for me. Continuing, we come back about 2 minutes later to check what's going on and surprise, surprise police is still there. Around 4 people on a hill from what we saw. You'd think that after a successful drug bust they'd just go back to normal business but they stayed there for a couple more minutes which made us even more infuriated. What happened afterwards isn't worthy of writing since it was nothing of importance to the post.

In this time about 60% of the people in the server started confirming what we already thought about policemen - just violating the rules. What got me most mad though was that this didn't come from rookie PCSOs or PCs - this came from SGT and most likely even higher. One more story then I'll round up the thread. Gotten way too long anyway.

Again - a weed run, we just start doing our weed with trucks this time (2 trucks to be exact, with the same friend) and while we are waiting for our processed goods to get ready, we both get shot with absolutely no warning. Both get knocked out, eventually I get killed for trying to protect myself versus an illegal assault by police officers (amazing) and my friend gets caught. Both our trucks get scrapped for having weed in them and my friend sent to jail. What happens to me? They leave my dead body behind. No waiting for ambulance, nothing. And I know that they SHOULD wait because of another accident I had before. I just respawned since the medic was a long way away. Basically what happened was - cops most likely saw us at the weed field, retreated towards the processor and one camped the little hut on the road for the processor where he assaulted us with no RP whatsoever. Later on I contacted him via TS and he said that he misunderstood his higher-up's commands but calmed me down with the uplifting "You were fucked anyway mate, you were 2v10" and then leaving the conversation a second later. Cop was a PC or something.

I'm sure a lot more people have a lot more stories, but these are just some. I welcome others to join in on the conversation because this can't keep going on. If the Police Force doesn't know the rules, how do we expect casual roleplayers to know them and obey them?

While it is true that the police can only "camp" the drug places for so long, if they see people there (They have darters and helis that can see you from over 1k away) or they have reasonable Intel that people are about to turn up then they can be there for as long as they need to

for your mate becoming wanted for flying off in his heli...most likely because they have seen him leaving the area and have added him to the wanted list because he was aiding and abetting yourself

as for the  you were fucked anyway mate comments get evidence and take it to the relevant people, that isn't allowed and especially from someone white listed in the community 

as for the rest


 the right thing to do mate is have a chat with the officers to clear some stuff if nothing works the pcc is where you take it from this post I believe u want to see some change to do this u need to bring it up to the higher ranking officers SI's + from past experiences lableing a group doesn't end well.. 

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Before I begin, I don't want to start a witchhunt or anything similar. I just want to bring attention to this topic after seeing other threads complaining about Rebels and Hobos. Let's move on now.

I've been keeping myself from doing something like this in a bit but today finally passed the line. When I was like 30-40 hours in the game I didn't really notice how good the police RP and their acting overall is. I thought it was fine and all the people complaining were just mad because they got caught doing weed. Now, don't get me wrong - I'm not saying all cops are extremely bad at following their own rules or even basic RP rules. Just some. Proceeding - these things usually happen around the earlier hours of the day (before 14:00 UK time) when there are notably less officers and civs on. What happens with drug runs as a whole - the police force loves breaking the rules and camping more than 15 minutes at the weed processor (I can speak for it because I've experienced it first hand). If I wanted to get someone demoted or whatever I would've posted a report for this but this is just a rant so I'll not be saying any names unless requested to do so.

Me and my mate just went for a quick weed run with his chopper so we can get some fast money but as soon as we started lowering, we heard a gunshot or two. Logically, we went up and started scouting the area as many normal players would do. We decided to wait a bit because we figured those shots came from the forest where officers also love staying in. So we waited about 10 minutes and what do you know - a decoy cop car (going to explain that in a bit) starts driving away from the weed field. Although we knew it was fishy as all hell, we decided to think that they would obey the rules and it was actually all policeman in the area in the given car just retreating after doing their time. Followed the car for a bit and it seemed to be leaving for good so we returned and I got out alone just to try and process it alone while my mate was hovering with the heli a little above ground (still expecting cops). And what do you know, as soon as I finish my first batch 4 or more officers just start storming towards us telling me to put my hands up and ordering my friend to land the heli and do the same. Well, he bailed and I stayed. I was apprehended by a SGT rank (decently high up to be expected to know the rules perfectly) who got my weed out but as the amazing officer he was, he forgot to check my backpack for the illegal gun I had (which he obviously should've done since he already found illegal substances in my possession). Later on I come to know that my friend has also been put on the wanted helicopter list without any warnings whatsoever from the police. (usually you'd get a message or whatever saying you're violating air laws) Now how come they put that when they have no reason to do so? They put him on the wanted list before they found the substances on me or anything of that sort. Just doesn't add up for me. Continuing, we come back about 2 minutes later to check what's going on and surprise, surprise police is still there. Around 4 people on a hill from what we saw. You'd think that after a successful drug bust they'd just go back to normal business but they stayed there for a couple more minutes which made us even more infuriated. What happened afterwards isn't worthy of writing since it was nothing of importance to the post.

In this time about 60% of the people in the server started confirming what we already thought about policemen - just violating the rules. What got me most mad though was that this didn't come from rookie PCSOs or PCs - this came from SGT and most likely even higher. One more story then I'll round up the thread. Gotten way too long anyway.

Again - a weed run, we just start doing our weed with trucks this time (2 trucks to be exact, with the same friend) and while we are waiting for our processed goods to get ready, we both get shot with absolutely no warning. Both get knocked out, eventually I get killed for trying to protect myself versus an illegal assault by police officers (amazing) and my friend gets caught. Both our trucks get scrapped for having weed in them and my friend sent to jail. What happens to me? They leave my dead body behind. No waiting for ambulance, nothing. And I know that they SHOULD wait because of another accident I had before. I just respawned since the medic was a long way away. Basically what happened was - cops most likely saw us at the weed field, retreated towards the processor and one camped the little hut on the road for the processor where he assaulted us with no RP whatsoever. Later on I contacted him via TS and he said that he misunderstood his higher-up's commands but calmed me down with the uplifting "You were fucked anyway mate, you were 2v10" and then leaving the conversation a second later. Cop was a PC or something.

I'm sure a lot more people have a lot more stories, but these are just some. I welcome others to join in on the conversation because this can't keep going on. If the Police Force doesn't know the rules, how do we expect casual roleplayers to know them and obey them?
I can promise you that the majority of the police force don't brake police rules, server rules and have professional roleplay

Only way to get rid of the odd few you are speaking of, if what you are saying is true, is to PCC it.


now with all repect i know rebel life is hard but i've a cop does something wrong, go to the complain section http://www.altislife.co.uk/forum/66-police-complaints-commission/ , was this realy worth to post? i dont wanna be a dickhead but please next time you got into this situation just go to there higher up's and it wil get sorted out

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I see that many people tend to make a mistake regarding the 10 minute rule. As it states in the police handbook:

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Drug Related Areas[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]If you are heading to a drug related area with the sole intention of “CAMPING” then you are to stay for no longer than 10 minutes, you are not to return to that area to camp for another 30 minutes, if you are going there to deal with a situation and you are their for more than 10 minutes this does not and is not classed as “CAMPING” and you are permitted to return whenever you wish, if you have “CAMPED” a drug related area and your 10 minutes is up, this does not mean you can not return there to deal with a situation.[/SIZE]

Camping here means that the officers would take position, get binoculars out and wait for 10 minutes and see if anything comes along. Now, if after these 10 minutes nothing happened, then the police must leave. However, In your case, you were behaving suspiciously, giving police all rights to stay longer.

I can't say much about the other cases since I wasn't there, but if you truly believe police/server rules have been broken and resolving the situation failed, then you should make a Report A Player or take it to the PCC.

If this goes salty or gets derailed with people flaming cops, I will lock this.

Before I begin, I don't want to start a witchhunt or anything similar. I just want to bring attention to this topic after seeing other threads complaining about Rebels and Hobos. Let's move on now.

I've been keeping myself from doing something like this in a bit but today finally passed the line. When I was like 30-40 hours in the game I didn't really notice how good the police RP and their acting overall is. I thought it was fine and all the people complaining were just mad because they got caught doing weed. Now, don't get me wrong - I'm not saying all cops are extremely bad at following their own rules or even basic RP rules. Just some. Proceeding - these things usually happen around the earlier hours of the day (before 14:00 UK time) when there are notably less officers and civs on. What happens with drug runs as a whole - the police force loves breaking the rules and camping more than 15 minutes at the weed processor (I can speak for it because I've experienced it first hand). If I wanted to get someone demoted or whatever I would've posted a report for this but this is just a rant so I'll not be saying any names unless requested to do so.

Me and my mate just went for a quick weed run with his chopper so we can get some fast money but as soon as we started lowering, we heard a gunshot or two. Logically, we went up and started scouting the area as many normal players would do. We decided to wait a bit because we figured those shots came from the forest where officers also love staying in. So we waited about 10 minutes and what do you know - a decoy cop car (going to explain that in a bit) starts driving away from the weed field. Although we knew it was fishy as all hell, we decided to think that they would obey the rules and it was actually all policeman in the area in the given car just retreating after doing their time. Followed the car for a bit and it seemed to be leaving for good so we returned and I got out alone just to try and process it alone while my mate was hovering with the heli a little above ground (still expecting cops). And what do you know, as soon as I finish my first batch 4 or more officers just start storming towards us telling me to put my hands up and ordering my friend to land the heli and do the same. Well, he bailed and I stayed. I was apprehended by a SGT rank (decently high up to be expected to know the rules perfectly) who got my weed out but as the amazing officer he was, he forgot to check my backpack for the illegal gun I had (which he obviously should've done since he already found illegal substances in my possession). Later on I come to know that my friend has also been put on the wanted helicopter list without any warnings whatsoever from the police. (usually you'd get a message or whatever saying you're violating air laws) Now how come they put that when they have no reason to do so? They put him on the wanted list before they found the substances on me or anything of that sort. Just doesn't add up for me. Continuing, we come back about 2 minutes later to check what's going on and surprise, surprise police is still there. Around 4 people on a hill from what we saw. You'd think that after a successful drug bust they'd just go back to normal business but they stayed there for a couple more minutes which made us even more infuriated. What happened afterwards isn't worthy of writing since it was nothing of importance to the post.

In this time about 60% of the people in the server started confirming what we already thought about policemen - just violating the rules. What got me most mad though was that this didn't come from rookie PCSOs or PCs - this came from SGT and most likely even higher. One more story then I'll round up the thread. Gotten way too long anyway.

Again - a weed run, we just start doing our weed with trucks this time (2 trucks to be exact, with the same friend) and while we are waiting for our processed goods to get ready, we both get shot with absolutely no warning. Both get knocked out, eventually I get killed for trying to protect myself versus an illegal assault by police officers (amazing) and my friend gets caught. Both our trucks get scrapped for having weed in them and my friend sent to jail. What happens to me? They leave my dead body behind. No waiting for ambulance, nothing. And I know that they SHOULD wait because of another accident I had before. I just respawned since the medic was a long way away. Basically what happened was - cops most likely saw us at the weed field, retreated towards the processor and one camped the little hut on the road for the processor where he assaulted us with no RP whatsoever. Later on I contacted him via TS and he said that he misunderstood his higher-up's commands but calmed me down with the uplifting "You were fucked anyway mate, you were 2v10" and then leaving the conversation a second later. Cop was a PC or something.

I'm sure a lot more people have a lot more stories, but these are just some. I welcome others to join in on the conversation because this can't keep going on. If the Police Force doesn't know the rules, how do we expect casual roleplayers to know them and obey them?
Back in the days when i was in the police force our higher ups introduced an quite effective method in making sure drug areas where not camped, you simply drive/walk towards in and you mark on your group map the time you last visited it and every time a new cop arrives you keep updating it. This worked for a while until we became to lazy... also it also provided rebels/civilians a window of opportunity to exploit as they knew that time they could go and in out while we could watch from the distance and wave at them and strike at the drug dealer and instantly being shouted at: CAMPERS!

This post you've made has been made at least 50 time over, in those rare times i do drug runs everything is fine due to the fact i keep it civilized and roleplay as some random hobo or simply.. peach farmer. 

Regarding your complaint towards officers shooting that mate you should record in the future and take it to the PCC, trust me, if a police officer has been indeed seen breaking the police rules may god have mercy on his soul. 

Another one of these it's been awhile. All I can say is if you have a complain take it to me or another member of command (SI+) and we will deal with it. If you have proof and rules were broken. However posts like these bring nothing to the table. It would be the same as me saying all civ's rdm and have bad rp because i got rdmed 3 times one patrol. You have had bad encounters with police and thats fair enough. Take the proof to the pcc or directly to an SI+. Saying the police in general is bad is not very constructive. 

Much love,

SI Tim 

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Now, we all know that the police force is very undermanned at times, especially late night and early mornings. Rebels take advantage of this and theres usually many groups of people doing weed. My best guess is that the officers might have arrived, dealt with one group and then another came along, then you came along, because all police officers are aware of the 10 minute rule, and as Drizzel stated, you can stay there for more than 10 minutes if you are not camping, but dealing with something. I am myself part of the nightcrawlers, patroling late night and early mornings some times, and from me to you; we drive around the whole island waiting for stuff to happen. We dont stay anywhere (well, we do tend to get caught up in Kavala square by rule breakers RDM, VDM and swearing at us all the time). 

Now, a little tips for you. Do not fly in with a damn helicopter to the processing, and you are bound to be caught if you keep hovering above it for more than 15 minutes which you stated in your first story. Helicopters make alot of noise. Go in with some trucks instead. Silent and quick. And, as multiple people before me have mentioned, go on the PCC instead of making a post here if you have a problem with the police. 

It's actually 10 minutes they're allowed to camp drug areas for. However, if they've seen something even slightly suspicious, hanging around isn't camping as they're keeping an eye on what they believe is illegal activity and thus doing their jobs as officers. If you've seen us, we've more than likely seen you and we're not about to just drive away because we've been watching you for more than 10 minutes.

As everyone has stated the PCC and the police camping rule there's nothing more to say really.

Officers are white listed and therefore are trusted to act within the rules of the server and the force. Occasionally and not too often officers will break police rules, maybe on purpose but that's in rare cases. It's mainly accidentally. Time flys by fast when playing Arma so it's easy to spend 5 minuets doing something that should take 2.

If you wish to see a change then I think it's fair enough you post something like this to highlight the subject matter, I'm also pleased no officers have been named as it's just horrible for them.

It is hard being an officer when the majority of civilians call us pigs and give us trolling roleplay when we patrol populated areas. You'll find most officers treat people that supply good roleplay with good roleplay and lower ticket/consequences for the laws they've broken.

Please try life from the police perspective. You'll see our struggles. Most cops have been rebel but not all rebels have been cops.

I see a couple of people missed reading the words in italic. Let me write what I wrote an hour ago:

"Now, don't get me wrong - I'm not saying all cops are extremely bad at following their own rules or even basic RP rules. Just some."

I actually fail to understand how we were acting suspicious. People flying in a helicopter decide to hover over for a second (check inventory etc.) but hear a shot towards them. What do we do if we know we're capable of returning fire and not willing to fall back? Of course we back up and we hover to see who did that. Continuing, we even backed off a bit (200m away) just in case. That's around when the decoy car came out. You can't immediately suspect someone for illegal activities if he just flies over some illegal area. Also, by the time they wrote him on the list, they didn't even check if I had my illegal substances. They just saw a guy drop off his friend at some illegal area and they immediately make his vehicle blacklisted? Not taking that.

Now to address all the "if you have a problem - report it" - My point of posting this is for goddamn awareness. If I just report silently and they get demoted or whatever happens to them - what do I achieve? These cops will get demoted - another batch will come as bad as them (God save us if they're even worse) and then I report again after I get screwed over. Repeat the same process until action finally gets taken? I hope you can see my reasoning for posting this.

Also, I truly am sorry for not saving the Teamspeak logs with the given officer. If there's any way to get a cached version of them it would be great but I doubt that's possible. I'll take note for next time. Just didn't know if that thing was against the rules or not so I just sent it to my friend so that we can laugh together at him.

Personally I think both sides sound kinda shit from what you've said. Of course the cops shouldn't just sit on the hill with binoculars acting like they're rich philanthropists who are bird watching. On the other hand you shouldn't be using the rules of the server for your benefit. Again personally i'd say using the police rule of having to leave the processor/dealer after 10 minutes or so is on the same moral level as the guy who keeps calling me a cheeky tosser in the greenzone because he knows I can't do anything even if I want to. I'm sorry if you've had a bad experience but as the other said if you have evidence feel free to complain officially instead of making a thread that will inevitably end in a rebel-cop(and mayor?) flamewar.

Also sorry but I felt the need to join the gif bandwagon

Dr. H. Lecter
Mayor of Altis

Alright so getting over the fact that we were "acting suspiciously" so the police had a reason to be there for longer than usual, let's move on to the other matter.

I would like to know why exactly police officers are shooting at people before initiating RP ? Two different times in 2 different days police started shooting us without ANY warning whatsoever. First time we got to the Processor with our trucks and started processing when half-way through 2 shots put us both to the ground, and the second time which my friend already explained as well was today when we had arrived there with a helicopter.(it wasn't the best idea to get there with a heli as we know it makes a lot of noise but we wanted to try it and see how it would go) Anyway, we get there and almost land with the heli when we hear 2 shots coming our way out of nowhere with yet again no warning or initiation of any sort.

No, we don't have proof for it other as we didn't think that people would be breaking rules like this, but no worries, from now on I will record everything as long as my PC can handle it.

@Bloxxor I'm not going to lie and say I read all of it, but as a cop let me assure you some things.

  • They don't camp the weed field for more than 15 mins unless they're arresting someone (Believe me, it's boring as hell)
  • Promotions tend to be too quick and nobody knows what they're doing, when I rejoined the police I was trying to tell DSGTs what to do...
  • When I play as a civ I see bad RP constantly, police crashing constantly into people and just asking if they're "alright" , powergaming to hell and loads of others.
The police does need to be improved, I agree, both inside and outside of it (ingame and out of game?)

Before I begin, I don't want to start a witchhunt or anything similar. I just want to bring attention to this topic after seeing other threads complaining about Rebels and Hobos. Let's move on now.

I've been keeping myself from doing something like this in a bit but today finally passed the line. When I was like 30-40 hours in the game I didn't really notice how good the police RP and their acting overall is. I thought it was fine and all the people complaining were just mad because they got caught doing weed. Now, don't get me wrong - I'm not saying all cops are extremely bad at following their own rules or even basic RP rules. Just some. Proceeding - these things usually happen around the earlier hours of the day (before 14:00 UK time) when there are notably less officers and civs on. What happens with drug runs as a whole - the police force loves breaking the rules and camping more than 15 minutes at the weed processor (I can speak for it because I've experienced it first hand). If I wanted to get someone demoted or whatever I would've posted a report for this but this is just a rant so I'll not be saying any names unless requested to do so.

Me and my mate just went for a quick weed run with his chopper so we can get some fast money but as soon as we started lowering, we heard a gunshot or two. Logically, we went up and started scouting the area as many normal players would do. We decided to wait a bit because we figured those shots came from the forest where officers also love staying in. So we waited about 10 minutes and what do you know - a decoy cop car (going to explain that in a bit) starts driving away from the weed field. Although we knew it was fishy as all hell, we decided to think that they would obey the rules and it was actually all policeman in the area in the given car just retreating after doing their time. Followed the car for a bit and it seemed to be leaving for good so we returned and I got out alone just to try and process it alone while my mate was hovering with the heli a little above ground (still expecting cops). And what do you know, as soon as I finish my first batch 4 or more officers just start storming towards us telling me to put my hands up and ordering my friend to land the heli and do the same. Well, he bailed and I stayed. I was apprehended by a SGT rank (decently high up to be expected to know the rules perfectly) who got my weed out but as the amazing officer he was, he forgot to check my backpack for the illegal gun I had (which he obviously should've done since he already found illegal substances in my possession). Later on I come to know that my friend has also been put on the wanted helicopter list without any warnings whatsoever from the police. (usually you'd get a message or whatever saying you're violating air laws) Now how come they put that when they have no reason to do so? They put him on the wanted list before they found the substances on me or anything of that sort. Just doesn't add up for me. Continuing, we come back about 2 minutes later to check what's going on and surprise, surprise police is still there. Around 4 people on a hill from what we saw. You'd think that after a successful drug bust they'd just go back to normal business but they stayed there for a couple more minutes which made us even more infuriated. What happened afterwards isn't worthy of writing since it was nothing of importance to the post.

In this time about 60% of the people in the server started confirming what we already thought about policemen - just violating the rules. What got me most mad though was that this didn't come from rookie PCSOs or PCs - this came from SGT and most likely even higher. One more story then I'll round up the thread. Gotten way too long anyway.

Again - a weed run, we just start doing our weed with trucks this time (2 trucks to be exact, with the same friend) and while we are waiting for our processed goods to get ready, we both get shot with absolutely no warning. Both get knocked out, eventually I get killed for trying to protect myself versus an illegal assault by police officers (amazing) and my friend gets caught. Both our trucks get scrapped for having weed in them and my friend sent to jail. What happens to me? They leave my dead body behind. No waiting for ambulance, nothing. And I know that they SHOULD wait because of another accident I had before. I just respawned since the medic was a long way away. Basically what happened was - cops most likely saw us at the weed field, retreated towards the processor and one camped the little hut on the road for the processor where he assaulted us with no RP whatsoever. Later on I contacted him via TS and he said that he misunderstood his higher-up's commands but calmed me down with the uplifting "You were fucked anyway mate, you were 2v10" and then leaving the conversation a second later. Cop was a PC or something.

I'm sure a lot more people have a lot more stories, but these are just some. I welcome others to join in on the conversation because this can't keep going on. If the Police Force doesn't know the rules, how do we expect casual roleplayers to know them and obey them?
According to the rules, police are allowed to send out the "decoy" car you describe and then stay at the scene for as long as they'd like when they have a suspicion of someone potentially trying to sell drugs (They would in real life aswell, logic). As i am aware, (but this may have changed since i was an officer), the police is, with th eright authorization, allowed to add things to a wanted list. For example violation of aviation laws, since the chopper was probably seen flying within city limits. What i do think seems a little fishy/dodgy, call it what you'd like, is the 4 officers being at the same spot when you come back 2 minutes later, when they had already made a successful drug bust.

But then again, if the circumstances forced the officers to stay there (they might have a report of someone else on their way there), this would still be legitemate.

Lastly, as other people in this thread already stated, it is only a tiny group of the police who aren't good. Most of them, by far, are rally good roleplayers. I was in the academy myself, and the whole procedure and training of officers tries to secure the best quality of roleplay for every single officer comming in.

If they then manage to fuck up after that, that's on themselves in my opinion ;P

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