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Life on the Island, a UKRP Life Documentary


Hey everyone (and huge apologies to those i got on the wrong foot to begin with here, lets start a fresh??)

I've been here just over 24 hours now and after a bumpy start no help to myself i've finally got on my feet and am enjoying the ride so far. 

Being able to jump on TS and interacting with you guys in game gave me an idea and i'm really hoping you guys can help out on this one. Basically i'm hoping to do a kind of documentary detailing the lives and stories from people around the Island, from Cops to factions, Rebels to Civvies catching them and interviewing them as they go around their day to day businesses. Get a general vibe going and to get a good show of how everyone is interacting with each other.

I'd be looking to just bump into random guys say whilst they are mining or shopping or just on their travels and get a little info about them, what their job's are. what they do day to day on the island, old tales of times gone, that kind of thing. Basically make it really interesting and bring my video to life. 

It would be great to get as many to join in as possible, i know not all of you will take the time to let me interview you etc and that's cool it's the way of the game but lets hope i can get just enough together to make something pretty cool.

If your interested in getting interviewed catch me in game or on TS.

Thanks for reading! 

Sounds interesting, if you see me on the streets I'm sure I could take a break out that harsh hobo life to have an interview :)

@Padi I'd like you to meet me and make interview with you. You can find me in hospital or in the streets as a rebel.

Sounds interesting, if you see me on the streets I'm sure I could take a break out that harsh hobo life to have an interview :)

@Padi I'd like you to meet me and make interview with you. You can find me in hospital or in the streets as a rebel.

That would be awesome guys, If you see me in game or vice versa please feel free to text me in game or ill do the same for you and we can meet up and get a great interview going!

Thanks for the support! 
