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Limit how many officers can attend a scene.


Taxi Auto Centre
This server is all about fun roleplay for both parties involved however by allowing an uncapped amount of police to attend a scene, for example a shop robbery, this really doesn't feel like it. I think there should be a new RULE added where only a certain amount of police, depending on the level of crime, can actually go to the scene. I've seen this rule in place in other servers and it makes it much more balanced. The server is already heavily biased towards police so i think this will help even it out for the 'criminals' in the city.

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Question to all the police downvoting this, can you explain why? I truly don't see how this can be a negative at all, unless you just want an easy "win". If a bank was being robbed by 3 people, and 9 police officers are allowed to attend the scene, it allows for extended roleplay, as the robbers aren't completely overrun. It makes it more enjoyable for the officers, they're actually getting involved and aren't just in the background, the chase would also be extended. In terms of the 'balance' towards crims, it makes it so there's a genuine likelihood of escape and better RP. It's literally a win win for both parties involved, think of it from a neutral POV and not in the eyes of police.

Use your common sense mate, if, for example, a gang of 10 people rob a bank, obviously that would increase the risk factor and change the amount of officers needed to respond
The problem I have with it is that it makes the assumption Police want to win; yet 9 times out of 10 the most upset party tends to be the criminals because they've invested time/money into the crime - and will be losing time/money when arrested. I'm not buying into the "we're doing it to extend RP" reasoning because the reality is the suggestion doesn't improve RP, makes crime easier, and means Police have to start having discussions on numbers while attending which (and I can from experience say) is incredibly annoying and leads to ruleplaying if someone miscounts. 

After looking through these replies, i've noticed something. It's laziness, laziness and incompetence. The reason the police don't like the idea is because 'it's too complicated to know how many people are already at the scene', I'm sure you can very easily find out or just use some common sense by seeing the amount of vehicles there. Also @BowlcutkidI assume you main a police character? "9/10 the most upset party is the criminal", well no shit sherlock, after spending hours grinding for a gun or equipment, planning to rob a bank or a shop etc, it's not very FUN for the criminal when 6 police cars, NPAS and about 4 fire arms units show up, plus I don't think you know how outrageous some officers become when they realise the crim has a gun.

Like I said earlier, the server is meant for "ENJOYABLE" and "FUN" roleplay for both parties but I feel like this is very much leaning to one side, the police. I don't think you truly understand how frustrating it is to play a criminal, when officer's get everything handed to them and can just "lose" and not give a toss because they can just get the same stuff back over and over in literally 2 seconds. 

All Im trying to suggest is a way to make crim RP more enjoyable for the people who spend hours grinding and planning. 

I actually agree with this suggestion! & i'm not even a criminal like that 🤣

Taking an example of robbing a pharmacy with 3 people and 10 officers turn up. It's a pharmacy? If you need that many officers to make sure 20 packing bandages don't get stolen is a bit of a stretch in my opinion. People are less likely to shoot in retaliation to that much threat if there were LESS police force at the scene because as a criminal, the only way out for you is if you spray and pray literally. How is that fun for officers dead on the floor? It isn't.. you haven't even fully immersed yourself in the situation and you're already on the floor, so think about it.. Would you rather have the chance to have roleplay and speak to the criminals on the other side or attend a scene you're most likely going to end up on the floor before you even say a word? If you can't communicate clearly through radio on who goes where then it suggests that the police department is unorganised and something needs to change. 

This way there also will be enough to go around the city aswell because as a semi new player, i literally drive like a maniac [not really but maybe]  KNOWING i won't be pulled over because there's no police patroling in the streets because they are  too busy cooped up on a robbery scene or whatever the case. 

Many servers have rules about how many criminals can rob at once and same goes for police attending a robbery scene. Obviously if panic button gets hit when shit hits the fan then that's fine, over the radio announce it if you are attending,  i believe that's how it's done? If you hear too many attending, stand down.. idk, you're the police so you'd know better. The issue isn't about that.. it's moreso an issue about police pressing panic button when it's a minor inconvenience and the whole force arrives like flies to a shit when it don't even matter if you lose your stuff as you get it free when you go back to PD anyways. Speak over radio or have meetings or discussions before going on a patrol.. Communication is key.  

  @Harlow McenzieCouldn't say it any better.

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